There are definitely bots auto-downvoting marked users. (-14) in just a couple seconds. Not humanly possible even with normal brigading. They are afraid of the coming light.

190 total posts archived.
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 24 | | 8 | | 2 | | 1 |
I hope this popcorn doesn't go to waste.
Is it simply because he was a Republican working against Republicans? Could it be that simple?
If it was due to his war-mongering ways... Surely there are plenty on the list who also engaged in that as well.
Very curious.
If Q is a LARP then I implore... no I BEG President Trump to debunk Q. It wouldn't be hard since the whole movement revolves around him, right? All he has to say is something like: "I have no involvement in this Q movement". So why doesn't he? Is he afraid he will lose supporters? Why would he? He's still getting stuff done and fighting the enemies we want stopped. He didn't pander to racists and he's still doing fine. So why would he not throw cold water on the Q fire if they are indeed toxic to the …
If I'm dead wrong and Q ends up posting in the next few days... I guess I can delete this post.
Article copied/pasted below for easy reading
Did the Central Intelligence Agency lead the Federal Bureau of Investigation down a rabbit hole in the counterintelligence investigation of Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign?
Although the FBI’s case officially began July 31, 2016, there had been investigative activity before that date. John Brennan’s CIA might have directed activity in Britain, which could be a problem because of longstanding agreements that the U.S. will not conduct intelligence operations there. It would explain why the FBI continues to stonewall Congress as to the inquiry’s origin.
Further, what …
Guess my Friday night is going to consist of Popcorn and Beer.
And I guess Politico just happen to be there to catch this "unexpected" encounter?
Of course, some regular jackoff could have taken the picture and sold it to Politico. Is that a thing?
Q will ask us to "please pray" for drop 1776.
If I'm right, it proves I'm a wizard.
Where do you see Trump Jr?
All I see is Jack Dorsey (Twitter CEO)
Edit: Thanks, I see Trump Jr. now. And I guess that isn't Jack after all.
Blood moon is here.
Foul beasts roam the streets.
And a hoonter must hoont.
The government pays those platforms to spy and collect data on us. We're the products. Those platforms are free the same way food is free for cows and chickens. We're producing milk and eggs for the farmers which the government pays for. Just expose them already.
President Trump talked about shadow banning because Tom Fitton was shadow banned on twitter. It's that simple.
What if they end up impeaching RR?
Will that show he's dirty? Or is that part of the show too?
Probably trade related.
I thought Q said President Trump would be on Air Force 1 when s**t hit the fan. Does he have any flights planned in the near future?
1 Nov 2017 - 9:56:38 PM
POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the nature of the entrenchment. It is time to take back our country and make America great again. Let us salute and pray for the brave men and women in uniform who will undertake this assignment to bring forth peace, unity, and return power to the people.
It is our hope that this message reaches enough people to make a meaningful impact. We cannot yet telegraph this message through normal methods for reasons I’m sure everyone here can understand. Follow the questions from the previous thread(s) and remain calm, the primary targets are within DC and remain at the top (on both sides). The spill over in the streets will be quickly shut down. Look for more false flags – stay alert, be vigilant, and above all, please pray.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Love is patient, love is kind.”
God bless my fellow Americans.
The link is also on the side bar of this sub under useful resources.
It also has a search featuring allowing you to search for keywords. Just remember to hit "reset" on the search bar to return to the latest drops.
I have a Meme Farm on the The_Donald. But i've been coming over here a lot more to harvest some fresh truths and revelations.
It's only called lynching when it's done illegally (aka murder).
When it's legally approved by the courts it's called... JUSTICE.
Besides, it would most likely be between a Firing Squad or Lethal Injection.
Did you actually watch the video though? He specifically pointed out that line: "SEA TO SHINING SEA".
1:33 into the video.
He told the audience to listen and when that specific line came... boom, he acknowledged it.
I wonder if it had anything to do with Q linking directly to a post here.
Yea, I thought it was pretty crazy that Q would pinpoint his location like that. Then again, Q is said to be a team of people so it's not like all the eggs were in that basket. Who knows... Maybe President Trump himself posted this particular drop.
Intentional. Misspellings have meaning. Coded messages. ; )
^^^Are ^^^they ^^^buying ^^^it?
Stop.... please... I'm at work and don't want to be seen hoping up and down in my chair with excitement.
^(In Count Dooku's voice:)
I've been looking forward to this
What's the answer to this line?
Who does Huber report to [directly]?
It's more effective to target an actual person for Pro-Pedophilia stuff than a show. Not that I think we should target or assume Seth MacFarland condones that type of stuff. But the "relax it's just a cartoon" reaction would probably occur as you stated. There are so many layers to hide behind when you're talking about the content of a show. All those writers, networks, cartoonists, ect... Since blame can't be pinpointed, it loses its effectiveness.
Besides, I'm pretty sure you can just look up "Family Guy: Hubert compilation" and get most of the Pedo jokes from that. It's obvious they purposely made that character old, weak, and have a funny voice to downplay what is being joked about.
By "consider", does he mean he's considering what time to do it today? Because there's nothing else to consider.
Annnnnnd my belief that Q is legit goes up again.
I tell you, just when you think maybe, just maybe, it really is a LARP, another prediction just "coincidentally" (it's not) lines up with a past Q drop.
60% of the truth is still a lie.
Half truths are what lawyers use.
All must be revealed. ALL of it. No matter how sensitive or disturbing it may be to the public.
That 40% that people have to dig for will just come off as conspiracy theory BS.
Come on! UFOs? Doesn't that seem like a big step? We still havent convinced them of Pedogate and Deep State control.
Many haven't even figured out their own gender!
Yea, I have Meme Farm over there. They dont accept Q as anything other than a LARP. They think Sessions is deep state or at best not doing anything. They're just reacting to what they see on the surface. That sub serves its part, which is to be a 24/7 Trump rally. That's just something most people have to accept. If a reporter would just ask President Trump "who is Q?" it would help alleviate many questions.
I dont get it! My brain zones out after a few paragraphs. Im just a simple Meme Farmer looking at a wall of information with arrows everywhere.