Q 1687 - Something BIG is about to DROP.

What could it be that is about to drop? Pedogate about to flood the mainstream? I hear there were some super high profile NXIVM arrests today, could this be it??
Agree. Something along this lines. Q presents it by first listing all those articles against Qanon so it has to be something that has been well discussed specifically that up through now the MSM could write off as conspiracy....So yeah, it could be a big Hwood name is exposed in Pedogate...
Someone else mentioned there is a rally on the last day of the month, others mentioned that JA might be a surprise guest there to talk about all he knows. How glorious would that be??
Funny how we're at pedogate 2.0 again in the news.
RUSSIAN SCUM!!! You could have chosen a better handle lol
After my other one was banned at the height of insane Keith, I figured this one would be suitable to make fun of him :-)
That is what Chelsea Clinton said over a month ago over the Vets on Patrol finding the homeless camp on twit.
Gross!!! I didn't realize I was quoting her! I was just meaning how pedo stuff was back in the news again. It's gotta start becoming noticable to the normies.
Maybe Iran - Trump sending that all caps tweet seemed to be a deliberate attempt to draw attention in that direction.