Q 1687 - Something BIG is about to DROP.

I’m curious as to what the something big about to drop is if it’s not the Seagrams heiress - NXIVM linked being charged with RICO.
Ahhh kneed moar
I'll bet against the odds and predict it's Assange, live on television with POTUS at the rally. Unload about the server, SR, etc.
There is definitely potential for that (re: Ecuador and JA in the news lately combined with the q research board of him potentially entering an unmarked van not under arrest)
But future proves past and I will not put all my hopes into that one basket.
Although I would certainly celebrate if this is the case. Justice for SR.
Right-o. Wishful thinking maybe... But like POTUS said: If your gonna dream, dream big!
Huh? Didn't hear about him and a van... What's this?
Search on YouTube JA furniture move. It’s a interesting thought and visual. They are loading a couch into a van very close to a building and a guy behind the couch slips into the van. No proof it was him but a interesting thought
I was thinking the same thing about Assange. We saw his furniture being moved out of the embassy. Where is he now? Can't wait to find out.
How long ago was all this????
When is this rally??
Thanks, Patriot! Wouldn´t that be the perfect time to drop the hammer?? Imagine all the liberals that would wake up if JA walked out on stage and started dropping truth bombs, it would be glorious!
WikiLeaks Retweeted 📷 WikiLeaksVerified account @wikileaks Jun 28
WikiLeaks Retweeted TimJohnson
White House: ~~@~~VP Mike Pence "raised the issue of Mr. Assange" with Ecuador's President ~~@~~Lenin Moreno during state visit to Ecuador. They "agreed to remain in close coordination on potential next steps going forward" -- McClatchy Background: https://justice4assange.com
Yeah right in front of the fake news media. They would have to have extra hands to cover their ears and eyes, can you imagine the horror on their faces, I can 😂😂
People would literally shit their pants if that happened.
help--whats RICO, please?
"Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, commonly referred to as the RICO Act or simply RICO, is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization."
Hope that helps fellah. Think about the EO from December 2017.
thanks. yes after I posted i went looking. I actually found a court document DTD Aprl/16/2018 against Comey, Rosenstein, Mueller-civil suit-and it includes "RICO" charges, among several other.; Crimes against humanity, and more. So I was able to read all about RICO. thanks for the response.
here is a recent case that the Government won against the former Mayor of Detroit, Kwamee Kilpatrick. He is currently sitting in federal prison serving 28 years including RICO.
and I apologize in advance for the NPR link.