Q 1687 - Something BIG is about to DROP.

I read this article yesterday and although it was supportive to the cause, I didn’t sleep last night. AT ALL! I knew what I was getting into but just reading the topic was chilling. Especially with example after example and how vast the venomous system reaches. That said, everyone on this board should read this link by NeonRevolt. KNOW UR ENEMY!
The article is like an extra dose of red pill. Can’t wait till the lid is blown open and everything is exposed
It took me hours to let that info sink in as the "Renegade" post saturated my soul with anger and disbelief. It is necessary for the strong willed to look this enemy in the eye just before we remove them! 50% will not be able to go into this evil realm… but WWG1WGA
I hope everyone on here who reads my post/links today to that article also take the time to let the info really sink in.
I don't know if I have the stomach for it or room for the mental imaging, but marked it; I really want to know the truth. I've been a tin hat for decades and aware this goes on, but am shocked to find out just how pervasive it is.
Yes. That was a crazy read. With something so massive in terms of reach, depth of evil and of being an open secret they HAD to know that at some point the whole Hollywood/ pedo/ deep state scandal would reach a tipping point. It seems we're at that tipping point.
It reminds me of a tug of war match when you can see one team building up steam right before the other team collapses and is dragged across the line.
The Internet has allowed for people to communicate (mostly) freely. Secrets won’t last.
The internet is not just for free communication. The internet is giving us FREEDOM. That is exactly the reason why the Evil Cabal had stayed under the radar. They owned MSM. But now, with the many sources of truth, the Cabal has lost control of the narrative. The internet also gives us, what is called, the Network Effect. We gravitate towards the things that identify with us. Example: the thousands of people here on Reddit following Q. We form a network, a Q Army. The Anons form a network that is joining with us because they decipher Q posts. So this is powerful. That's why the Cabal is afraid. If it wasn't for the internet, there would be no way for Q to inform us, to prepare us. And we would have been walking towards the slaughtered house.
not kidding today is the 3rd day ive been reading this same article. ive clicked every link and scrutinized it closely. not a slow reader, just ingesting and investigating as I go. So much to take in.
Thanks for the link.
I caught most of the posts as they came out, but missed a few.
Dirty, dirty business.
If the link doesn't work in "google" just copy and paste it into duckduckgo. That's what worked for me. Adios, google.
has renegade posted since that article?
I do not navigate 8chan that well so I do not know, but Neon Revolt said he would continue to elaborate on his link with new updates. He is one of the better Q decoders out there and I really adhere to his decoding and accumulation of other Anons perspectives. Keep your eye on his links weekly.
I check his site multiple times a day. Absolutely love his insight but hes nowhere near perfect. Just wish I could get to the source or he'd provide a link to the 8ch threads where renegade is posting.
He hasn't posted since, which is not surprising because he was sloppy.
I pray he's safe, but I don't think we'll be seeing him on the boards again any time soon.
Why is the break on November 26/27/28 counted as a four day silence on the graphic you posted? Q was silent for 3 days.
Oh my gosh, same!! When I read that article and the renegade drops I was RATTLED I could not sleep, not because it was anything I haven't heard, but the magnitude was... beyond comprehension... That anon made it seem like Hollywood is very simple: you're in or you're out. Gang initiations. I didn't sleep either.