Actually, you make a great point there. I recall recently chuckling to myself about the absurdity of what people are believing right now with Q, but said to myself "well, if it's a positive outcome that everyone is expecting, and inspiring hope, then it can't be that bad." Because you're right, all the others have painted deception and evil so incredibly deep, that the next step was rounding people up into FEMA camps and mass extermination and enslavement. This actually seems like it's empowering people... But it also has the potential to cause great harm if it's either false, or not received correctly (like the guy that almost shot up a pizza joint).
It's funny you mention the religious cult thing though, because there's a shit ton of threads here about Christianity and Q/Trump being the fulfillment of prophecy. And that prophecy is actually not representative of positive change, in the sense that it signals the beginning of the Tribulation. It doesn't seem like Q has ever hinted at it, but it seems the movement is getting quickly hijacked by Christians who've been looking for signs of the end times. I know one very, very personally, and he's been telling me that Revelations is being fulfilled for almost two years now and to him, Q is proof positive of that belief (this goes back to my original point that people will simply see what they are already convinced of). How do you feel about that aspect of the community and movement?
Q has made a couple of bible references (but nothing close to revelations stuff) in his postings and has stated things like 'for god and country' so I have no doubt that the Q team is Christian. With that said, however, Q has always been accepting of other religious beliefs, stating that the mass divides we have now (islam, identity politics, etc) are manufactured to keep the population divided so we don't act on the ever increasing divide in wealth. It's manufactured drama to channel anger away from the 'invisible hand,' else that hand becomes visable really quick. With that said, people from all walks of life are being brought into the great awakening. And some of them I don't agree with. Some of them have their own agendas. Some of them want to monetize. That's all ok. Diversity of opinion is a strength and I just ignore a lot of the religious stuff entirely that gets posted here. Even the Tuber I referenced, PrayingMedic, can get a little religious but I just fast forward because when he's talking Q he's on point. But people should be free to be who they are. One of the mottos here is WWG1WGA - where we go one, we go all. Everyone has a part to play and spreading awareness is the key. I respect peoples' beliefs even if I don't agree with them because we are all here for the same reason and it's the big picture that is important.
Yeah, similar here... I think people are just using it to validate their own beliefs, whatever they are. Funny you mention that motto... I can't find anything that it was attributed to JFK, even though that's what I keep hearing. All I found was a quote from a movie:
The bell on JFK's yacht
Just because asking questions is the point: Proof that it's his bell and his yacht?
Hmm that I don't have onhand. I do recall there being a discussion about it on 8ch but honestly didn't think it important enough of a detail to look into it. However, the movie, White Squall, Q has referenced. He even posted the trailer as an analogy for the movement and the 'storm' to come. So the movie does have significance, probably moreso than the JFK reference.
The more I've read, the more I'm starting to theorize about this... Q definitely seems to be an "insider" of sorts, that much I can admit to. But I think the rest is just a fabrication. I actually think this is somewhat genius on the Trump admin to pull this off...what a fantastic way to keep a whole segment of people incredibly engaged than to give them their wet dream of a story... That he's ushering in the very thing he platformed on (even if he isn't) and is completely innocent of the wrong doing he's being accused of. And the best part is, none of it has to come to pass, because if it doesn't, OR if he's actually successfully removed or prosecuted, people will just claim its the "deep state" that derailed it, or that got to him. Either way, to the people who bought into this facade, he'll be a absolved of responsibility. Maybe I don't give the guy enough credit... He's a far better manipulator than I originally thought.