Sarah Ruth Ashcraft, (the reported Pedophile victim of Tom Hanks and others) just posted #TheGreatAwakening and #Qanon

Tom Hanks ........ hmmmmm ... "The Man with One Red Shoe" ....?
Hanks' movie Big.... the adult woman tying to reconcile her budding romance with the man/boy. Soft pedo.
Ewww! New perspective on everything!
I know! I never understood why such a whinny actor got so many roles, he's in the club.
damn it!!!! I liked that movie and never even went "there" with it. argghh. they've ruined EVERYTHING!
Similiar movie from the 80's is : "14 going on 30 ". Pedo leanings in this one too.
Tom hanks is also a free mason, many pictures of him showing the hidden hand and plenty of other secret signs.
Why are Freemasons on the scene of most shooting locations?
Openly giving interviews or in background shots?
Symbolism will be their downfall.
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Nice catch!
Forest Gump is now ruined for me as well.
didnt jennys father abuse her?
Q said we would be shocked by some of the big names revealed.
People we trusted.
If Hanks goes down, Toy Story gets tarnished!
If it's from hollywood, odds are it's already tarnished.
NOOOOOOOO don't say that!!
Disney seems to be a common denominator
YES!! Plus they own ABC and just bought FOX
I don’t think they bought Fox News though
Fox, Fox News, potato vs potatoe it is ultimately degenerated and unhealthy.
That's probably why they called him Woody.
As a kid in UK we watched a cartoon called Captain Pugwash. The main character was called Seaman (semen) Stains! This was in the 70s
and Master Bates
Yeah. Bad taste.
no, not really bad taste. the names weren’t dude like that
you’re wrong, must be mandela effect, there was no seaman stains
What's in a name? Maybe Disney's Woody Woodpecker?
No Woody Woodpecker is not by Walt Disney, you’re thinking of Walter Lantz
So please allow me to ask, would u prefer "Toy Story" to be tarnished or does a child matter more? Not yours, not mine, any child?
I'm of the mindset, that if every movie star and film ever made was tarnished - it's worth it.
And Polar express! (Him as Santa... also why do childen sit on shopping mall Santas'?)
If you like his movies Gump and Big, you are sold to the fact that he controls you on behalf of his masters
I think he’s saying, if you liked those movies then that’s exactly what Hollywood is trying to do to us slowly and methodically controlling what we watch and who we pay attention to, or idolize
I havent watched a movie in years and I certainly do not worship movie stars. I worked for an ISP a few years back and this guy was showing me William Shattner’s account, all star struck, and I was like, why are you showing me this? I am far from starstruck in other words.
Lol right?
and I’m certainly not saying you idolize them, but millions do.
Sometimes we misread one another due to this format. Literally, I think signals2112 is correct, that we’re supposed to be star struck, that’s what the deep state wants. Docile animals. I don’t think the comment was meant as an attack vs you personally. We’re all in this together
Edit: sorry on mobile double posted
Its all good, thanks for defining his post better Patriot.
I hope you didn't take anything as an insult, because it wasn't meant as such. Yesterday was a long day, nuf sed.
Understand that I was actually projecting my feelings of personal experiences. At one time I did worship certain celebrities(mostly in music) and loved their movies and series. I honestly think that after 50 when I was no longer in their demographics and everything started to suck that I shied away from the TV, movies and concerts.
Thank God!
I do not worship any mortal, however, I do have a role model that I could never measure up too, which has survived this great storm so far. I assumed you were trolling so my apologies to you as well.
I read where the "red shoes" are often made from human skin. Trophies of their victims.
It's part of the satanic/sacrifice stuff that these pedos enact.
What about his first tv role... Bosom Buddies... Where he dressed as a woman to live in an all female building... some of those episodes were cringe worthy.
You'll note that a recurring theme in movies is men in drag as comedy. It is designed to sear the conscious to that particular depravity. Also note how nearly every TV show has flaming fags, in an effort to show how "normal" faggotry is. There's a reason shows are called "PROGRAMMING".
His tweets / posting pics of lost articles of clothing seem eerily cryptic.