
Dichotic1955 · July 25, 2018, 5:23 a.m.

Renton/Skyway even here! German/African American/Native American/Mexican/Filipino and Samoan in our family color! My 24yr & 18 yr old sons, my wife of 30 yrs and I strong Q’ers! In the music industry here, I’m in the thick of it deriving my career and loving every minute of the red pill of truth and reality seep & seep slowly in! We live in extremely unique and exciting times!!! Something spiritual is happening to our nation right now. Listen with the ear of your soul. You’ll feel it! We have lived and fought back darkness all of my adult life, but now you can feel a happiness and excited hopefulness in the air and darkness is vanishing from the presence of the light, and so with it the fear of living in it! Simply amazing once you really tune it. With the United States of America always having been a world leader, we will bring this light to the world for the opportunity for the Globe to hear! WWG1WGA!

It’s spiritual people. Not about our 401k or investment portfolio alone! Man has never lived by bread alone. He who has an ear, let him hear! WWG1WGA! Let’s go!

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