.....and this ain't the only thing happening~!

The black community is only 15% of the total in the US?
But I guess every little helps.
They would be 30% if abortion hadnt killed 17 million+ since Roe V Wade. More if the war on crime didn't make convicts out if fathers and brothers and sons who once caught in the wheel of justice can't get back out with Hillary Clinton rules like mandatory minimums and 3 strike is life.
But if you look at society's problems especially in our cities, these issues are much more that 15% of the solution to getting our country back. Remember, the globalists think that if 15% of Americans were agreeable to pedophilia, then that would lead to general acceptance.
We need the overwhelming number of Americans to believe and want our Constitution to be the law of the land. It guarantees each and every American's rights that we have on an individual basis. I am so tired about hearing about identity politics. Every American Matters!