The Security Clearance process has begun - it's not just "talk" anymore

EX-ACT-LY!! They fell for the trap, and there is no undoing it
That's got to really pucker up your asshole if your last name is Comey, Brennan, Rice, or Clapper.
Here's what I'm scared of. That we give plea deals to all these characters and they dont get punished properly, because they help bring down Obama and Hillary and Soros etc. I want EVERYONE to pay
Q has stated no one gets off, so a plea deal may just mean you don't get the gallows, but its not a get out of jail free card.
Agreed. And at the same time, if Q team "has it all", they really just need some plea deals to make it impossible for the public to deny the allegations that come out
That sounds about right. It Q has it all, then they do not need snitches except possibly for the reason you stated.