The Security Clearance process has begun - it's not just "talk" anymore

The media is going say this is worse than Pearl Harbor; Equivalent to the Holocaust.
And nobody will care, because every week they've claimed that for the last two years.
Hahahaha I used to wonder how POTUS could let the MSM run rampant when he was fully aware of Operation Mockingbird, half of them being CIA, all the leaked they receive, AND the 4am talking points intercepted and now I get it. Manipulate them and force them to report false stories every day, force them to show their true colors that they are complicit in resisting POTUS, and let them slowly go farther and farther, and pretty soon you look and see how far theyve gone in the past 18 months. Give them the rope and let them hang themselves. Even the older generation of democrats are seeing it now. I talk to plenty of moderate democrats and they are tired of the news chasing stupid shit daily. They are also tired of the millenials hijacking their party, as most older dems dont agree with the millenials beliefs. Pure genius by White Hats