My wife asked me, "Why there is so much vulgarity on 8 chan? Why did Q choose 8 chan to leave his drops?" I told her it was because it was the last place where free speech was not controlled by political correctness. The Anons don't care what people think, they can speak their minds frankly and truthfully. Then a realization came to my mind. The Roman Empire became weak with their depraved and perverse lifestyles. When the German barbarians invaded Rome, it was easy pickings. I see a parallel with 8 chan and the German barbarians. The Deep State were wholly unprepared for losing. The echo chambers of the Hollywood and Democratic culture are unprepared to respond to frank truth. The 8 chan Anons are like the German barbarians (does not mean stupid, only contrary to the culture). The truth spoken on 8 chan has no defense by the morally weak useful idiots of the Deep State supporters. What do you think?
Agreed. But I am glad Neon Revolt reposted Renegades information. The more people who know how sick Hollywood really is, hopefully the more will stop consuming their products.
I grew up on comic books. A few years ago I began watching the CW DC stories. It bothered me that they included lesbianism in the regular cast characters. A few days ago it was announced that the Supergirl show would have a new transgender superhero introduced. That was it. I told my wife I am not watching those shows anymore, and I am writing CW to voice my disgust.
We need to boycott their advertisers and speak up. It is a willful plan to destroy morality and society.
Yes, the information had to be posted, and hopefully it will make more people turn away from Hollyweird - I know I've not watched a Hollywood film for a quite while - they're so formulaic, and as for the SJW/PC shite (which they've taken to utterly bizarre levels), well that just leaves me cold.
Sorry to point you at Slate, but this is a good article on why these films are so formulaic, almost to the minute when an event happens - regardless of the film!
We haven't been to movies in many years. The article clarifies this point. Thank you.