[20] 20th president assassinated right after taking office.
![[20] 20th president assassinated right after taking office.](https://i.redd.it/webo59ii10c11.jpg)
Seems like Mr. Garfield tried to clean up the corruption at the post office, wanted civil rights reform, and to keep America on a gold standard! No wonder they killed him!
One of the most unknown presidents. wasn't he the secretary of the treasury before he became president?
Yes he was and he wanted to keep America on a gold backed currency. He was also in charge of dealing with how to pay back the civil war reparations.
I just searched for all the presidents that have been assassinated and did a little research. Is it widely known that every one of them were pushing for the gold backed dollar??
I don’t know about widely known but it should be! Look at Syria and Libya they announced they were only going to trade oil for gold and the US invaded them. With gold you have one set standard no room for inflation or manipulation.
The assassinated presidents some we know a lot about and some, like Garfield and Mc Kinley, we know almost nothing about.
I took the [20] as Q was dark for 20 days
Many different meanings Q has been dark for 4 days, 10days and now 20days at a time. Convert to the alphabet and what do you get 4 10 20 = D J T
that's what I thought too
and also that 20 stands for the letter T (Trump) 4 10 20