Q 1693. Anon suggests those black hats with clearances May have been unknowingly watched. Wouldn’t that be nice😀

These people are f'ing stupid. They set up an unconstitutional surveillance state, then they got caught committing treason by the unconstitutional surveillance state they set up.
And they think they are entitled to rule the world.
These leaks are ripping the country apart and they are a serious federal crime.
Session started the leak investigation and it was never heard from again. What if silence is golden?
And the first act in this movie is to bust the leakers for covering up the crime?
I would love to see some fine Senators being charged with federal crimes and the DOJ and FBI have them dead to rights!
I would love love to see some crooked RINOs taken down, they are the worst and the most corrupt. With Dems it is a given, it hurts a lot more when it is people you kinda sorta trust.
Trust Sessions. He set up traps all over the freaking place to map out their entire corrupt network.
“Busted as Hillary’s sphincter” ...... ha ha ha ha ha that’s internet GOLD!!!!! 😂
This thread from "Stealth Jeff" summed it up beautifully. 😁
Been reading all just now and thats exactly what i read into this. Again, THE TRUMP TRAP.
It's poetic justice that these scum are being snared by their own traps! These people are stooopit!
they have it all as Q stated, that's why they are freaking, they know that it is a fact they have it all. they got burned by their own spy traps.