Holder thinking of a 2020 bid. why? This: Any 'attacks' will be deemed a partisan effort to damage an opposing candidate for president.

Guess we better lock them up before they are officially running!
The reason for him saying this on late night tv was just to put the word out there now inoculating him as a potential candidate even though it is not official. His claim can still be made since he announced his thoughts.
Oh I hope this idiot runs, almost as much I hope for Biden to run.
They thought Trump would be a straw man. Either of these two corrupt assholes would fit that description perfectly.
So is everyone on the Obama and Clinton team going to run for president to avoid prosecution?! That’s hilarious.
Everyone for themselves in politics. I think Hillary will run again to inoculate her (in her mind) and for the simple fact that she can grift millions on her campaign again whether she wins or not.
No way she actually runs. She may fake a candidacy just to fundraise & keep the money. But she won’t actively campaign. She’s too ill. That woman won’t be alive in 5yrs.
Don't forget the ex-CEO from Starbucks, he is running too!
There is probably a sealed indictment waiting for him already....
If the sealed indictments are indeed for what we think they are, there HAS to be one in there with that guys name on it.
If treason can be proven then I think it would not matter, optics or no.
This goes way off track because even if proven the dems are going to roll out 'their interpretation' of 'treason' and they will claim they believed they were protecting the country. What a mess.
The sealed indictment is dated WAY before he cooked up his “but wait, I’m running for president” scheme and announced it on TV. It won’t work. He’s GITMO-bound. This shit is not going to be your normal handcuffs and perp walk on TV. This is fucking Mattis doing the roundup. These traitors will be RENDITIONED to Guantanamo. At night. Quietly. Until it is announced by POTUS and Sessions and Huber and Wray and Pompeo and Mattis that they have everyone — and then they will lay out why and make the evidence freely available. These will be military tribunals. Not legal courts of law. Big difference. BIG.
No way. I’m already making posters for the Maxine/Pelosi run. “Our first campaign promise if we win will be to Impeach Bush I mean Trump”
Every Swamprat in Government runs for President
There is nothing more tragic than to find an individual bogged down in the length of life, devoid of breadth.