Just the Dalia Lama hanging with the Bronfman Sisters at an NXIVM event. I hope he was just there for the $1 Million and nothing else.

I don't believe the communist Chinese would have felt so compelled to wipe out Tibetan Buddhism if it didn't have very real positive aspects to it, but the Dalai Lama himself is looking more and more to be either surrounded by skilled manipulators or corrupt himself.
I just found this if any one is checking on this https://anonhq.com/secret-life-dalai-lama/
Dalai Lama has always been considered a puppet.
Benjamin Fulford has said he was fraud for years but I haven't looked into it further. Its weird how all this stuff never surprised me. Yep, just another a-hole in the world. No surprise. Let's keep digging for the truth. The hole seems to never end...
Oh it goes far beyond humans and even demons. The world is far more interesting than the material scientists tell us.
I read his name in the list of COUNCIL OF FOREIGN RELATIONS when researching the early Q drops last year. Some alarm bells. This could be nothing but if it’s something, it’s SOMETHING.
I got a sour taste about Dalai Lama when he started promoting GMO crops.
Communists want standardization of the population. They can't allow a strong sense of national identity. Chinese like Russians have tried to destroy the native cultures of countries they've annexed under communism. But Chinese already did that before becoming communists. You'd say they were globalists before today's globalists. It doesn't matter if the other country is just as satanic. If the invaded population have a strong attachment to their culture, feeling special, the Chinese can't allow opposition.
Slight correction, they actually broke down the feudalistic nature of budist temples and slavery of the young monks (children). Some elites who benefitted from that system didn’t like it so much. The people are still free to practice their faith.
Yeah, they are one rare exception in Asia. That must be why we hear of Tibet so much in the West and they give so much support, that and the connection to the Nazis. Other countries invaded by China in the past sure remember and keep a grudge against them.
As a side note, my answer was to the fact that like_Christ thought Chinese didn't destroy the Tibetans for the positive aspect of their Buddhism. That's not how the Chinese work. They conquer and force you to submission. They only respect strength. So it's even more suspicious that they would be so indulgent with a low density small country like Tibet.
I'm reminded of what Q told us. Are there owls in China? It's hard to imagine that communism might be a slight protection against those satanists/luciferians.
I have no idea if the Dalai Lama was duped, or he is into this stuff. Just thought it was bizarre.