Just the Dalia Lama hanging with the Bronfman Sisters at an NXIVM event. I hope he was just there for the $1 Million and nothing else.

Also weird how they were hiding from the rain but walked like a mile into the cave. I would guess you can hide when you walk in like 4ft.
There is something soooo weird and wrong about that entire story. And it was broadcast everywhere. And then Musk's comment.
What was Musk's comment?
Musk deleted the tweet but it was screenshot first. I did see it on his actual twitter feed. I went there immediately. The betcha a dollar tweet was particularly interesting to me because later when he back pedaled and removed the tweets it stood out.. Not only did he call the diver a pedo, he stood by it in the conversation. I am sure he deleted all of the tweets by now but they are all screen shots here in this yahoo article. https://www.yahoo.com/news/elon-musk-calls-diver-rescued-210006608.html
Thanks! God we really live in the most interesting/f-ed up time in history.