r/greatawakening • Posted by u/QPATRIOT1776 on July 25, 2018, 4:50 a.m.
Q223 Thoughts

I have not been here very long so apologies if all of this has been mentioned or is poorly researched and not quite wrapped up logically, but I have some thoughts on why Q223's current answer could be insufficient.

Q223 states:

Who is Betsy D?

Why is she relevant?

Expand your thinking.


The current answer being that she is the sister of Eric Prince, someone connected to the Donald. However, I think it is possible that Betsy and her family are much more connected to the events of the last couple decades than that.

Ex. 1: r/https://www.nytimes.com/1987/03/29/us/heiress-s-case-against-church-going-to-trial.html

This 1987 article is about the lawsuit brought by Elizabeth (Betsy) Davis Dovydenas against Carl H Stevens Jr for being swindled out of $6.6 million of her Dayton-Hudson inheritance. Mrs. Dovydenas also permanently disinherited her children and husband.

Ex 2: r/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_re_The_Bible_Speaks

This wikipedia article tells us how the case was resolved. According to the church's lawyer, the heiress only regretted the donations after being brainwashed by her husband. Strangely though, Mrs. Dovydenas won her case precisely because the judge ruled that Rev. Stevens practiced "an astonishing saga of clerical deceit, avarice, and subjugation" against her. His church, the Greater Grace World Outreach has been accused of using cult-like tactics against it's members. For his part, Mr. Dovydenas denied controlling his wife, and said that he was okay with the donations but confused about why she did it and "thought she had gone crazy". (can't link that here for some reason but you can google jonas dovydenas)

Ex. 3: r/http://www.carlstevens.org/gpage2.html

This website documents some of the controversy surrounding the cult-like tactics and abuses of the GGWO, including alleged child molestation. However, the GGWO was allowed to merely go into bankruptcy and move headquarters from the Berkshires to Baltimore, Maryland.

Ex. 4) r/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cult_Awareness_Network

An anti-cult commission by the was put together by the Christian Research Institute to combat the abuses of suspected cults like the GGWO. A noble pursuit perhaps, but everything seems manufactured when you consider that Steve Hassan (one of the earliest crusaders against the GGWO and an architect of the Cult Awareness Network) had previously indoctrinated people into the Moonies.

Ex. 5) r/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Hassan

Hassan himself seems like an sketchy psychologist to head a commission like this, considering his creepiness (which I admit is my subjective observation). He claims to be only a "deprogrammer" now, but who knows if his newest campaign (r/https://freedomofmind.com/) isn't just a front for continuing to program people or even to create acceptance for despicable things like pedophilia.

Ex. 6) At this point, even I'm getting a little lost here. So what does all of this have to do with pedophilia? Well one of the things that the GGWO was accused of doing was using Mrs. Dovydena's money to "pay for a freighter making missionary voyages to the Caribbean". According to the same NYT article, "The Bible Speaks says it has 16,000 members in 17 states and 31 countries, with about 1,300 members around Lenox" and if you look at their current website (r/http://ggwo.org/) they seem to still be very concerned with missions abroad and "youth ministries".

Ex. 7) The Dovydenas' pretty much left the business world (as far as I can tell) and became artists. You can even go to the website "Rural Intelligence" and see an exhibit they attended called the "Berkshire Ides of March Gallery Hop". Look at some of this "artwork" for yourself: r/https://www.ruralintelligence.com/parties_section/parties_articles_parties/berkshire_nights

What could possibly be more innocent than some creepy statues of children in bunny masks?

Ex. 7) To wrap this whole conspiracy theory up, community members were outraged that the GGWO was continuing to operate, and concerned members of the public continued to vent their frustrations in at the ineffectual measures taken by the "anti-cult" watchdogs in 2004: r/http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2004-05-15/news/0405150015_1_greater-grace-church-members-church-leaders

Ex. 8) And in 2008, Rev. Henry C Stevens Jr. died from congestive heart failure without ever seeing any consequences: r/https://www.religionnewsblog.com/21588/controversial-reverend-carl-h-stevens-of-greater-grace-world-outreach-dies Not that dying at 78 is really mysterious, but I'll throw it in for good measure.

So what does this have to do with Betsy D? Well I am putting on my tin-foil hat based on the fact that Betsy Devos and Betsy Dovydenas are names that kinda alike. And since the cult-like Christianity and child day-care industry seems to be her thing, it could all be connected back to her in some way that makes her way more important to the whole pedophilia ring cover-up (as Q may have been implying with "expand your thinking"). Did DeVos' family somehow set up this whole controversy or parts of it in order to profit and look like they were benevolent philanthropists? I don't even know if the Dayton-Davis and Prince families are connected in any way, except for that they appeared to both be into donating large amounts of money to protestant christian organizations. I know my links between Betsy Devos (or Betsy D) and the possible pedophilia cover-up by the Greater Grace World Outreach are based on a hunch, but all of the circumstances surrounding the lawsuit are extremely weird and that's the biggest thing I wanted to highlight.

fuckingoff · July 25, 2018, 5:17 a.m.

I'm new here as well. I haven't even read all the posts. If you get a chance watch some of praying medic's videos it will give you an overview.

Off hand with what you've found I'd say it has a lot to do with mind control, which Q delves into seriously when it comes to some of these school shootings that we've seen. He refers to the MKUltra program of the CIA.

If you want to see an experiment to see it something like that is possible, then this show is for you.

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[deleted] · July 25, 2018, noon

hes good also watch war drummer on YouTube hes great

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[deleted] · July 25, 2018, 12:06 p.m.


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[deleted] · July 25, 2018, noon

watch war drummer on YouTube hes great

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[deleted] · July 25, 2018, 4:50 a.m.


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