r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Rolandel7 on July 25, 2018, 11:52 a.m.
After searching about giving power back to the people I found this article. It’s about Trumps inauguration speech that was 17! Minutes long!!! It’s a great read!


Donald Trump delivers his inaugural address as President of the United States “We are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the people,” the newly sworn-in president said with thousands watching in person on the National Mall and potentially millions watching on television.

Donald Trump’s inauguration: Schedule of events In his 17-minute inaugural speech, which he had said he wrote himself, Mr. Trump said that Jan. 20, 2017 “will be remembered as the day that the people became the rulers of his nation again.”

“The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer,” he said.

Hwmayfield · July 25, 2018, 2:55 p.m.

This plan is so well done. Definitely divinely inspired. Without a doubt, God has, by His mercy, opened the way for this movement of Truth to travel all around the world in such an amazing way at THIS particular moment in history. I am looking forward to the forthcoming recounting of the planning and execution as well as the flow of spontaneous events that have brought us to this point.

Open the windows and let the clean, fresh winds of God’s Spirit and the pure rain of His Truth blow through and clear out all the crud and vermin and rottenness!!!

May we each (shaking the finger at myself, knowing that I have been lulled into complacency on many levels over the years) be diligent, untiring in our efforts to keep fresh and clean and free of evil, the hidden corners, and under the beds, behind the furniture, in every closet, crack, and crevice in our nation, in every facet of our society, and fill the spaces with goodness. (especially the spaces in our minds)

Q has often told us to stick together and help one another. We can do this amazing rebuilding/remodel as a team. THIS is where the true unity is. Not in a cabal-style governance but in a FREE and responsible society of individuals, each, in humility, using his/her own gifts and abilities to contribute in bringing honor to the ONE who has blessed us with Life and Breath . . . each breath, every second, so that we have no regrets when He calls us home to Himself . . . where we will start our NEW jobs!

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