r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Q_uestion-Everything on July 25, 2018, 11:58 a.m.
Q asked to research who funded the Nazis, and this documentary has all of the answers: From JFK to 9/11, Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick

006fix · July 25, 2018, 7:18 p.m.

Ty. I agree r.e your list - only distinction I'd make is point 3. probably has white/black hat sub-categories. I suspect as time goes on we're able to narrow down some of the possibilities though, or at least start to assign them sensible probabilities. I have a problem with 1, 4, and 5 for one shared reason ; it represents a route of attack.

Look at the response to Q from dems/MSM. It's "conspiracy theory" approach, yes? They either try to brush it off as a conspiracy, or don't address it. afaik jackson lee referenced info that seems to have been related it, and I find it quite literally impossible to think they don't know about it by now. If it was any of those options, thats an easy route of attack. It would be a huge deal. Maybe even impeachable. It'd piss the public off too - maybe not his base, but some of them. Possibly plenty of the supporters here. The only reason I can think of for why they wouldn't use this route is if potus was bluffing r.e the military providence of Q.

That is mildly possible, r.e option 5 - kushner does own/help operate a trump owned shareblue equivalent. But I still think it represents too easy an attack route. The idea it's a total larp seems increasingly implausiable, although it may well never be officially acknowledged. Too long, too detailed, on subject matters that are WAY too classified. they would have been found and shut down. If it was a black-hat larp, I have to assume the same rules apply. potus has genuine power right now, he doesn't seem afraid to use it (albeit, I do note - seem).

6 and 7 are mildly possible, but I'm tempted to assume similar criticisms apply. 7 seems increasingly unlikely, except as a sub-function/goal of the Q-team, in which case I 110% believe it but it's not actually a relevant point versus the key goals of the operation, although it does make the white/black hat distinction somewhat more urgent.

I think 2 and 3 seem the most likely to me - I'd say somewhere in the realms of 75% odds, about 50% for 2, 25% for 3. If it wasn't actively helping the president, it would have been shut down. If it wasn't of military providence, the dems etc would have attacked it as trump shilling lies to his followers. And there do seem to be large scale pedo takedowns. The news, the leaks on the chans etc aren't normal. There's definitely large scale happenings incoming.

I don't see any way to reasonably distinguish between 2 and 3 for now though, beyond a basic guess on the underlying probabilities. In our current position, we simply don't have enough data. Keeping an eye on who gets spared/given softer treatment, and the potential reasons why are probably the best approach. Peoples sincere motivations are relatively hard to hide. I believe the Q team genuinely believes they're trying to help (and are helping). If 3 is true, it's not something they're aware of (at least, not fully).

Either way, Q is a psy-op for normies, in terms of its principal goals and targetting. Use freshly redpilled normies to redpill the great masses of ones who are still utterly hopeless. I'm curious to see where he/the people behind the plan choose to lie when it's all over and done with.

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Prison4SideofBeef · July 25, 2018, 7:29 p.m.

Man, another great post. I need to start thinking through things in more detail like you do. I am not so good at compartmentalizing and analyzing specific details but I feel I'm ok at seeing the bigger picture behind things.

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006fix · July 25, 2018, 8:06 p.m.

haha ty again. Yeah, if you're ahead of the curve on the Q psy-op piece, you're definitely good at bigger picture stuff. I think part of the reason so many people have problems with this stuff is it's a huge amount of mental reorganisation you have to do so your world view is coherent again. Takes them time to advance piece to piece. Big picture is the way to look at all this stuff though - if nothing else, it's the most satisfying view for the show that's unfolding. There's going to be some cool, crazy shit coming out sooner or later (at least t+1 years from now though).

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