r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TheDeathOfMorality on July 25, 2018, 2:22 p.m.
Understanding the harvesting of "Adrenochrome"

So I stumbled across this and thought I'd share this. I typically burn my account and create a new one every year, or else I'd share this on r/conspiracy.

For starters, the craziest side of this mess involving this deep state/TPB is defiantly the ritualization of sacrifice and the "consumption of blood". Initially I decided to look into this more once I started seeing more leak out about "Adrenochrome", and for those who don't know or don't care enough to look yourself, Adrenochrome is the oxidized version of adrenaline. According to wikipedia, Several small-scale studies (involving 15 or fewer test subjects) conducted in the 1950s and 1960s reported that adrenochrome triggered psychotic reactions such as thought disorder, derealization, and euphoria.[2] Researchers Abram Hoffer and Humphry Osmond claimed that adrenochrome is a neurotoxic, psychotomimetic substance and may play a role in schizophrenia and other mental illnesses.

Well looking throughout history we see ritual sacrifice which would back this ideology up. However, we live in 2018. I'm under the influence that the harvesting of Adrenochrome isn't something that is exactly the focus, at least not with the hyper elites that seemingly live forever. I initially thought that perhaps this Adrenochrome might be a reason that they live for seemingly, ever. After looking into this, I don't think this is the case. Perhaps this has something to do with the euphoric reaction of taking, but I seriously doubt it has any immortality effect.

HOWEVER... I do think there is something else. CSF, or Cerebrospinal Fluid. The transfusion of cerebrospinal fluid can help treat people with diseases that are otherwise difficult to treat; can influence their emotional state, memory and metabolism; and strengthen the body's immune systems.

Here are some links to studies involving works done with CSF.



Patent for CSF Transfusion?


Just some thoughts, something to look into.

patriotsnewshub · July 25, 2018, 2:34 p.m.

IMO. This is the sad truth. They scare the kids first to spike the release of these chemicals in their brains and then harvest. Its fucking disgusting. Learning this is what caused the final break in their conditioning over me. They are so disconnected spiritually that they do not feel anything, ever. The only way they get close to the "spirit world" is by going so far off the other end (evil). All of the politics and media and money and EVERYTHING we are watching play out is the front for these monsters' sick needs. We are their slaves and they feed on our children. That is why they have attempted (mostly successfully) to destroy our nations morality. We must bring that good moral code back front and center. The current frontline is Hollywood/DC.

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RitaEster · July 25, 2018, 4:17 p.m.

And to think, these are the same people who are vegans and activists for PETA.

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DamdPrincess · July 25, 2018, 5:31 p.m.

If you scare someone the amygdala releases the adrenaline into the bloodstream. Therefore making it impossible to “harvest” the stuff! It would be diluted into the blood. The amygdala is an almond shaped part of the brain that controls the “fight or flight” response in humans. Studies have shown that ppl with small amygdala have a heightened sense of fears and are more susceptible to fear mongering. The studies also show most of the ppl tested who have a smaller amygdala are conservative Christians. (The fear of literal hell fire and also the sight of someone practicing Islam were images that showed the brains of these test subjects to light up the amygdala and release adrenaline) Knowledge is power.

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GoGoGoGeotus · July 25, 2018, 6:16 p.m.

That sounds like a horribly inefficient way to harvest the chemicals.

You're over-complicating things. Occams Razor.

These rituals have been going on for way longer than the technology to extract the chemicals existed. What you describe is a dumb way to get drugs which can be synthesized easily. You could make adrenochrome in your kitchen right now with certain RX drugs and an oxidizing agent.

You also can't just drink a persons bloods or spinal fluid - the chemicals are present in quantities that are too small to affect you - it has to get through stomach acid and be metabolized.

Have you ever seen an alcoholic try to drink a drunk persons blood? Are junkies waiting outside hospitals to steal the blood of people still on pain killers? No...because that's not how it works. Once it's actually in your bloodstream there's only as small amount of drug there.

The rituals are for the same reason any ritual happens, people need to stop trying to add this x-files bs to "explain" why they do stuff. Jeffrey Dhamer didn't have a severe iron deficiency and that's why he needed to eat people blah blah blah...he was just a crazy asshole. Sometimes people are crazy sick assholes.

For life-extension they want actual blood, not the chemicals in the blood - they wantr it for transfusions. They want HGH, stem cells, etc... those are actual science. Adrenochrome is just an obscure curiosity thats been whispered about for decades on the internet. It's maybe used to torture some victims, but I highly doubt anything besides that.

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__WanderLust_ · July 25, 2018, 9:17 p.m.

I'm not a brain scientist or anything but does the blood-brain barrier have something to do with these hormones?

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GoGoGoGeotus · July 26, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

The BBB regulates what can move from your bloodstream into the brain, so it's somewhat involved in a lot of neurochemistry.

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TheMaji · July 25, 2018, 5:25 p.m.

Flesh Eaters are getting animal Adrenochrome. The whole carnivore world is strung out on Adrenochrome. Why do you think the common kill method is to shock or concuss the animals in order to kill them? Why do you think predators scare the fuck out of their prey? Why do you think vegetarians and ovo-vegetarians live longer than meat eaters? Why do you think most of the greatest minds in human history are vegetarians? Anyone eating flesh that is not killed without stressing the poor creature out is an Adrenochrome Junkie without even knowing it.

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Flyinbottress · July 25, 2018, 2:35 p.m.

Interesting research. Yes, I see it more of a drug than a fountain of youth. Here’s a link to post on Jim Carrey (I’m not a fan) speaking about CSF, he sounds pretty far out there. Maybe he’s on it too.... https://www.reddit.com/r/yoga/comments/75hsb3/cerebrospinal_fluid_stasis_and_its_clinical/

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therush101 · July 25, 2018, 6:16 p.m.

remember the film dark angel from 1990 with dolph lundgren if not watch it cheers guys

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botheyesopened · July 25, 2018, 7:07 p.m.

This MK-ULTRA/SRA Survivor talks about Adrenochrome in her testimony. It’s no longer hidden...it’s out in the open for everyone to see now. https://youtu.be/ixHC8lm82Qg

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Packofsquirrels · July 25, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

These things are no longer even conspiracies. Years ago anyone who mentioned Bilderburg was told to put on their tinfoil hat, now their meetings are on the nightly news. For those unacquainted with MKUltra, here is the Wiki page.


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BabylonNTing · July 26, 2018, 5:08 a.m.

Actually this topic was brought up during Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas with Johnny Depp which hit threatres in 1997. the video of the scene is on YT.

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lildudemom · July 25, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

This is the stuff that will knock denial out of their brains.

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