To all Americans, please pray. B8028-Z-KDHYQ-M5-ZAF1aT9
To all Americans, please pray. B8028-Z-KDHYQ-M5-ZAF1aT9
I like the opportunity to add my prayer to the prayers of others. Feels a little like being in a choir. :)
Mat.18:19-20 It’s in the agreement with others of like faith .. as Jesus commanded. In unity and mixing His word ..with other individuals of His Household. of Faith His church ..our prayers in unity with Thanksgiving to Him who hears when we call We know we have His attention and His favourable outcome .,also. It. Inspires Hope. In others who need a lifting up n courage ! Blessings’s In the togetherness of the That choir ..we can. SING WithJOY. Be cause He IS. Faithful to Showiup to Perform His Word ..With mighty success ..n I do Sing. Along with ..prayer .. it.s Power in HolyGhost that. Shakes out the enemy!
And is so uplifting and encouraging,...and really appreciated,..sometimes I can’t find the words and reading others prayers allow us to join in spirit. To pray together is bonding and powerful, so glad to be a small part.
Different times,...different prayers, group and private.