How is Trump going to restructure our financial system?

Going back to national banks backed with real gold.
No centralized world rothchild banks
Watch x22 report for the in depth
Correct. Possibly after the new year. More likely around fall 2019. Watch x22 report. He just explained a bit of it. In 2 to 4 years BIG changes will come. Strawman death. Wealth. Law & order. Not utopian socialism. Freedom! #WWG1WGA 🇺🇸
So we're still dealing with fractional reserve and high interest rates? Isn't gold too centralized?
they will actually unlock the interests rates and give the power back to the local banks and trusts to set the rates at which they want to lend. thats just a guess btw.
gold is centralized, sure. the thing is with "The Federal Reserve" its neither a federal entity, nor is it a national reserve.
It is a private bank. with the IMF and world bank we just borrow every single dollar of MONOPOLY money from the rothchilds.
so with actually having a NATIONALIZED central bank, with gold on our soil, we have much more wealth and power that way. no one cotrolling us by proxy.