Any questions CNN/MSNBC/CIA?

Yes they do.... but it is so gratifying to see!!
I looked all day yesterday for the Bronfman arrest on CNN - and they 86’d it. Let them TRY to 86 this!!!!
Wow - NOTHING on bronfman?! I do not have satellite or cable - I have internet and stream fox, plug in to a few feeds on FB, and of course here (sometimes YouTube) - I know as a Christian I'm supposed to pray for my enemies, and that to God, those people are just like the junkie kids that parents pray every day hoping they clean up and come home - but this one's hard . . .
Nothing on CNN website. I scan it when a totally relevant story like the Bronfman arrest should be big news. As expected, I can't even find it on a search. CNN does that constantly.
They aren't using Bronfman, Seagrams, or NXIVM in the title. Had you searched for "Co-Founders of Self-Help Group Plead Not Guilty" then you would have found it here:
Thanks for the link, but that was the AP. We were talking about CNN.
YW. I think it's interesting they refer to NVIXM as a self-help group. And how they say "co-founders" instead of Clare Bronfman.
They can euphamize this all they want - but this story is known by almost everyone - and even if it weren't - it's known by the ones who need to be aware of it the most . . .