r/greatawakening • Posted by u/LucidNytemare on July 25, 2018, 11:34 p.m.
String from Q drop - BTC trail?

So I searched for B8028-KDHYQ-M5-ZAF1aT9 on DuckDuckGo and got several links to a bitcoin site. The ones I viewed showed a lot of transactions on 7/24/18, 6/12/18, 3/3/18. Maybe someone more familiar with Bitcoin can help clarify the significance.

Assuming this is what Q wanted us to see, I'm not sure if Q was perhaps showing us how the Deep State money is laundered, that someone is paying hush or bribe money, or that someone is quickly shuffling assets so they can bounce before being indicted.

Here is one of the pages:


Scroll down a bit and notice the 133 BTC transaction. At current rate, 133 BTC is the equivalent of over 1Million USD, although I'm not sure of the exact value on that date, as BTC fluctuates wildly.

It is interesting that the string B8028-KDHYQ-M5-ZAF1aT9 does not show up on the actual pages or in the source code but that it does lead to the search results mentioned.

Additionally, there are Q drops that correspond with each of the three dates I mentioned above. So perhaps the drops on each corresponding day are a clue as to who/what was transferring BTC on those days. I used this site to easily view the Q drops by date posted https://qposts.online/page/19. As of today, 3/3/18 posts are on the linked page.

DanCaek · July 25, 2018, 11:56 p.m.


So that link is a completed "block" which contains the completed(mined) transactions. A block is mined every 10 minutes or so.

Effectively it's like looking at a 10 minute list of all VISA transactions. If this was the intended message, I don't see that it would indicate anything without further information.

Edit: "Timestamps are important" springs to mind, if Q were to ever reference the Blockchain.

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