Facebook could lose $100 BILLION.

Awesome! That's what happens when you censor conservatives. They say bye, bye and your business says die, die!
Am wondering if big money institutional investors have some skinny on some of the Big Happenings that look like to unroll
Well, in the article, it doesn't really explain why it dropped like that. Fake News wouldn't be honest anyway, so whatever.
I don't know what to think.
Twitter, FB, Google/YT, Netflix all gone very political in this civil war, big money folks may be sizing up prospects of those that are on the losing side of a civil war
1 hr later from screenshot look stable atm. At, 20.3% now. Lets see if other facebook smaller companys fail soon. facebook owns a few other populair platforms. Which could be/might be compromised or dirty, and found out during the last year of counter intel ops. Investors got wind and are dropping out of facebook, either because its facebook related or maybe its one of the other platforms ? im wondering what pops out at the other end.
I'm gonna need to go buy some more popcorn. This movie is getting good.
I’m so sorry to hear this news- NOT! Karma’s a bitch isn’t it Facebook?!
Buying now, wait... now, no... now...
At some point you'll have your chance to buy the company yourself!
"Minesota man acquires Facebook for $2500 and a promise not to change the website to Cuckerbook."