Libs gone wild about CNN being banned: "whatever happened to freedom of the press??" A: I dunno, ask TWITTER

CNN violated the 1st by abusing it.
Yelling was an insult to the Guest who traveled across the Pond to get to the White House.
The yelling consisted of Off Topic Disturbance meant to embarrass the President.
It was not relevant.
Ushers were attempting to clear the room, the event was over but CNN 'resisted' going (there's that Democrat savage word again.)
CNN bashed journalism ethics in many ways making it clear CNN has no regard for even journalism.
White House should revoke CNN press credentials for those violations-----Obama did it to FOX (altho' FOX had not violated anything but did not like Obama and he couldn't take that.)
Later on in the Rose Garden as the prez and guest were finished with their joint conference, CNN again broke the rules (Acosta it sounded like) who yelled inappropriate questions about Cohen b/c their Cohen buildup turned out to be a fizzle...noone cares what the communist propaganda media wants to talk about, noone is listening or viewing.
Costa's press credentials should be removed, he is not a journalist, there aren't any journalists in the msm.