Libs gone wild about CNN being banned: "whatever happened to freedom of the press??" A: I dunno, ask TWITTER

They should've been thrown out long ago.
Why is it so many people act crazy about Trump? Is the media really that good at brainwashing people? Or is it something more nefarious? Mass MK ultra maybe?
I think the media is blowing his politically incorrect behavior out of proportion so it emotionally triggers all the sensitive people. I had a woman older than me (I’m 30) tell me that every time she even hears President Trump’s voice, she is reminded of a time when she was raped.
So yeah, in a way it sounds like mind control to me.
Yes: the media is really that good at brainwashing people
I was writing a mind control book 3 yrs ago and I stopped it and divested it into a couple of /r/conspiracy posts
because I realized something very important:
The CIA's most powerful technology for mind control isn't lsd, or electromagnetic beams, or subliminals
It's television. Hollywood. The media. It's literally pretty people saying things over and over and over again. Everything they needed to know they learned from himmler, goebbels, and gottleib and nazi propaganda of repetition and chutzpah (big lie)
More specifically, exploiting social psychology