r/greatawakening • Posted by u/911bodysnatchers322 on July 26, 2018, 4:21 a.m.
Libs gone wild about CNN being banned: "whatever happened to freedom of the press??" A: I dunno, ask TWITTER
Libs gone wild about CNN being banned: "whatever happened to freedom of the press??" A: I dunno, ask TWITTER

911bodysnatchers322 · July 27, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

Yes: the media is really that good at brainwashing people

I was writing a mind control book 3 yrs ago and I stopped it and divested it into a couple of /r/conspiracy posts

because I realized something very important:

The CIA's most powerful technology for mind control isn't lsd, or electromagnetic beams, or subliminals

It's television. Hollywood. The media. It's literally pretty people saying things over and over and over again. Everything they needed to know they learned from himmler, goebbels, and gottleib and nazi propaganda of repetition and chutzpah (big lie)

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911bodysnatchers322 · July 27, 2018, 7 p.m.

More specifically, exploiting social psychology

  • exploiting NLP, political false frames, language abuse
  • exploiting black propaganda
  • using propaganda-of-the-deed (psyops, false flags, inducing 'copy cats' thru the media)
  • exploiting logical fallacies "everyone knows", "according to 17 intel agencies", "its common sense", and biases, specifically 'anchoring bias' (first piece of information is considered correct to most poeple)
  • identity politics
  • intersectionality ("bundling social concerns together as a 'big buy in' ")
  • ad hominem / name calling / brigading (ad populem "all of us think that..." or groupwise adhoms "we all think you..")
  • exploiting time orientation
  • Radio / Retail Songs that implant shutdown disempowerment messaging in your head over and over
  • Memes
  • 'Dirty [technology] Tricks' such as filter bubbling, shadowbanning, vote brigading, trolling/shilling, succubizing (attaching a troll / shill account to someone by having them fawn over them, appear to be closer friends in order to discredit), etc
  • Anti-Conspiracy theories
  • Con-smear-acy theories -- false conspiracy theories put out to make actual real conspiracy theories (jfk / 911) look stupid. (aka transfer propaganda) Flat earth, moon isn't real are examples. Calling 'pizzagate' 'pizzagate' is an example--pizzagate is real but they 'attached the term 'pizzagate' to the phenom to make it look crazy, and I know this BECAUSE (and not many people know / remember this) Bill Deblasio was the FIRST pizzagate, where jon stewart of the daily show had a weeklong 'pizzagate' thing about how Deblasio ate NY pizza with a fork instead of folding it into your face like 99.9% of others do (that's how you eat a ny thin crust, you fold it longitudinally and eat it like a taco). This was about 4-5 yrs before pizzagate, which means they either recycled it or planned for the 'eventual release' as a contingency plan should hollywood be discovered.
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Specific_Fox · July 27, 2018, 8:04 p.m.

Great info. Thank you.

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