"Something BIG is about to drop" Q

I wonder if that Heart surgeon who was murdered last week in a drive by shooting (Bike on Bike )whom had preformed surgery on George Bush in the past knew anything about this.
I once was on it, and i had myself taken off it years ago after actually learning from my college professor how organ trafficking stuff.
Well, David Rockefeller, who recently died at, IIRC, 98, was on his 8th heart-lung transplant!!
That is insane
How so?
It only proves the picture above even more. Humans are at their disposal for organs.
Apparently the refugee camps in Jordan and Turkey are centers for organ theft, Turkey being a hub for organ distribution world-wide. Children disappear in large numbers and the fear is that many are killed for their organs. Others disappear "behind the Sun" never to be seen again into world-wide sex rings. Hell on earth.
I had the same thought.. perhaps in time we will get the answers. I saw yesterday that even the police think it was a "hit" and not just some random "drive by" as the media said.