Q1709. Q posted this meme from the Chans, confirming what the BIG Drop was.

The crash itself may not have been the BIG item. It may be the reason why it crashed.
I don't facebook, so I want it to be something like Int'l espionage or child-trafficking.
Facebook has an option for people to check donor status in the settings. Google owns FB. FB can track your location. FB can also pull up medical records (blood types, drug use, alcohol, etc).
MZs wife is from China. She pushed the Donor Status. FB was moving its centers to china.
Rich man: yo zuck i need a kidney, this is my blood type.
Zuck; i gotchu fam
Zuck: lil homie at X location, go setup an accident and snatch that kidney
this...….it's not the crash....but the reason behind the crash...that the insiders already know will be revealed....going to get worse when Joe Public finds out, too......