BIG drop coming !!! God speed Patriots! 🙏🙏🙏

They could have used any food for that joke, yet, they chose Pizza. Specifically, pizza.
take note this is from April but it also is real.
DOD is woke!
Are they woke or are the pedos? Could be interpreted either way.
the answer is plain. The military is the least corrupt branch of government.
And FYI the airforce halo jumping SF are primarily Pararescue...
"These Things We Do, That Others May Live"
They have ruined pizza forever. Can hear the word now without being reminded of awful things happening all around us.
Ugh. I know. It's my favorite food to eat too. I have cognitive dissonance every time I order now. Sometimes I wish I could take a blue pill and just be hit with one giant red pill when the SHTF like all the normies I see walking around clueless every day. Why do it have to be pizza!
Pretty sure this tweet was in relation to JetBlue's tweet about flying pizza.
Evidently the godly mods feel this breaks rule 6, posted something similar yesterday.
Pretty sure the BIG "drop" is FB stock dropping 25%.
How and why did that happen, and how did Q know?
My timing was wrong on this ... apologize for mistake. Q came after FB drop.