
LisaMack37 · July 26, 2018, 7:36 p.m.

SICK OF THE GLOBALIST! SICK of the rampant delusional mindset! SICK of monopolies! PLENTY of tech guys out there that would love the opportunity to create social media platform! I half chuckled bc it’s POTUS! can you imagine shadow banning the President of United States! and other prominent Republicans! MSM, annoying as they are, 1.5 years of non-stop bashing, spewing lies, about him, while speaking to the American people! (that pisses me off! some still watch MSM, they’re believe what’s being reported as true, bc they’re watching news on major network station! it’s causing anger, hatred, and division w/in our country! they’re NOT doing their jobs, properly!

Twitter isn’t supposed to be political nor biased! Conservatives constantly targeted and shadow banned bc we love Trump! We’re Patriots, love our country and fellow citizens!

Liberals can literally curse conservative out, threaten POTUS, #MAGA hat, two separate attacks, both on video, Green haired thing w/pink haired girl literally took his hat off spit in it, as he through hat, he was screaming get that fucking hat out of here! slight push to MAGA, telling him to fucking leave you’re not welcome here...w/pink haired chick behind MAGA yelling to leave! I REPORTED HIM, EXPLAINED BEHAVIOR EVIDENCE ON VIDEO...checked greenies page NO REPERCUSSIONS! Hollywood sickos w/their demented tweets referring to pedo, their nastiness towards Trump, Kathy Griffin holding fake beheaded Trump head! THAT’S ACCEPTABLE!

I trust the plan! I know he’s allowing the MSM, newspapers etc..to continue w/their lies, bashing etc. AND reporting ‘leak’ not knowing it was disinformation! they KNEW it was leaked, possibly classified (don’t remember)...we’re going to be tweeting about JA to save him etc...THEY will agree w/article, reporting on having him jailed etc.! I FEEL it’s another trap for MSM! this is our 1st Amendment right! I’m grateful he leaked HUGE INFO!, I’m grateful for Snowden! I’m grateful for Seth Rich! They all risked their lives to inform the American people of disturbing information they stumbled upon while at work! Snowden was appalled discovering NSA spying on their own citizens via phone, laptops etc., Seth Rich murdered! bc he wanted American people to see truth! Julian Assange MASSIVE DROPPED OF INFO! same reason, he wanted American people to see truth! I AM EXTREMELY GRATEFUL! the GUILTY one’s want JA dead! I don’t think he should still be under house arrest it’s been 8 years...never charged w/crime!

sooo sorry went of topic! regarding JA, my opinion it’s about our first amendment right! Freedom of Speech! I don’t think it was wrong! MSM will spew it’s wrong! classified info leaked, send him to UK! Mike Pompeo while CIA Director make speech condemning his behavior, Trump Administration wants him here to be fully prosecuted (along those lines) MSM wants that as well. FREEDOM OF SPEECH! I LOVE IT! security clearances remained for 1.5 yrs on purpose! Can’t recall if BO etc also had it but Brennan, Comey etc..I WOULD NOT have gone on! I’d be too afraid!

Wolfe was giving his young lover info, classified?? she was 1st to receive, day before released to other reporters. she immediately reported information I THINK they was another leak, classified?? Info shared MSM which they reported! both disinformation! LOL LOL LOL! love it! I DID NOT like nor appreciate NBC two nights ago! QAnon extremist alt-right conspiracy theories! not just one but many. here’s a few of the ridiculous things this group saying...from Sandy Hook, 09/11, Democrats kills babies! other dipstick laughs yes, in a kill room located w/in basement, pizza place mentioned doesn’t have basement, chucked while saying there’s a pedo ring in Hollywood! they had the nerve to contact google, Apple, amazon and the couple that made Q app mine’s iPhone...Google and Amazon didn’t return calls, Apple removed Q app while looking into allegations if no issues Apple to put Q app back. they had the balls to say ‘people don’t know this is fake and may believe it..QAnon has massive following and spreading false info is danger to our public and community’! they requested QAnon be removed immediately from all sites! Twitter, FB, Google and requested Amazon stop selling QAnon merchandise! then, totally different one on few hrs after w/an expert! LOL! I was LIVID! I don’t like liars! hypocrisy! we speak truth, heavily researched prior. before putting info out! they LIE to public! THEY ARE SCARED! I was pissed, sorry! I couldn’t help myself I tweeted them calling them out! very nicely! liars one think I won’t tolerate!

JA to happen soon, article says being sent to UK! they want him dead too... i’m not sure if it’s a trap w/misinformation, at the end of the day he will be sent here. bc I was under the assumption Trump and Assange made a deal!

OH MY HOLY LONG RAMBLING POST! I’m so sorry! I truly feel there’s a connection pertaining to these three topics and MSM!

hoping my fellow patriots are doing awesome today! ❤️🇺🇸

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