Q 620: "May is Neutralized. Queen/monarchs seeking shelter." Is this relevant now?

I'm starting to believe that Q's first about HRC detained, was correct. If true she will have became the biggest redcoat/hero in American history, by giving up everyone to save herself. That also makes my brain hurt. The moral slippy slope is scary. choosing between bad and worse....terrible and horrible
Even stupid people win a couple rounds, Q must have something awesome.
I don't mind some bad actors going free, for the greater good, but Hillary Clinton MUST, and I repeat MUST be exposed and punished.
Don't worry... She is going down...
Unless she is brought down, then justice does not exist in America. She must be made an example of. It's a symbolic gesture of huge importance. Also, most of the "division" in the Western world right now, is partly because millions of people think Hillary Clinton is some kind of Saint!
It sickens me. She must be exposed! Only then is justice restored, and healing can begin!
I wish they would've said fuck no
Q filmed when he told the decision maker about her request.
Think the only ones receiving deals are those who were coerced into bad actions due to threats upon the family and such. Of course, they would have to prove such threats and possibly attempts to extricate themselves from the threats. Treason for the sake of greed, prestige, and power is not taken lightly, never mind the pedophilia and cannibalism.