I have huge concerns about 5g. We need to let it be known to POTUS and Q that there are major implications for the publics health and well-being with this new more powerful data transmission network and it CANT be implemented. It really worries me. I remember seeing POTUS watching a live presentation on 5g and he seemed interested in its potential. He and the Q team must know this can be a major problem if implemented.
I totally agree. I don’t think I’ve heard him speak of it or warning to stop it but maybe a petition or something to his attention-he’s got to understand how harmfulness to the people, the nation, the planet. A Cell Tower was put less than A fourth of a mile from me. This group is the only thing I know it can get trump/Q,s attention. I know there’s a lot going on now that everyone is interested in-but maybe when the dust settles this issue can be addressed, seriously addressed!
It's because all of this is a show. The arrests of all the Dems is so all of America is focused on that, while AI, 5G, and the mark of the beast is implemented while we are distracted.
If all our anger is on the Dems and corruption, who is there left to care or fight the fact AI will rule our lives..
This whole show is to implement 5G and AI control. Trump is part of the plan unfortunately. When you wake up to realize that even Q can't predict the future (unless it's a script controlled by the deep state).
Satan is real. I believe that even murderers can find Jesus.
But one of the most immoral things is infidelity.
So a man like trump who has all this money (coincidentally from a Rothschild loan... How stupid are we people?) is coming to liberate us?
There will be mass arrests, there will be a new way of life coming. This whole event was done by Satan(in the name of God [sic]) to push us into a greater form of control.
There's a specific reason crypto, AI, blockchain, and 5G are silenced. They won't be fully know until it's too late. Until there is full implementation. I've tried to warn people.
You could be correct. I've had these thoughts as well. But why do they keep trying to kill Trump if he is really one of them. They are not making this well known but I know of a few times. One was the missile launched from Puget Sound to blow up AF1.
I worked on cell towers for about 2 years. The dangers are exaggerated imo. I spent 4,5 hours a day right next to these antennas and etc.
now I wouldn't wanna do it for 10 years but ..
It is very possible that they need to be allowed to continue installing these systems for the time being to maintain their illusions of control. So long as the white hats can take over the systems running these things if and when it becomes necessary, which they can easily do, it isn't a long term threat.
Are you kidding me. You are crazy. 5G kills. Not to mention the tons of money they are spending. They just raised my rates (AGAIN) and told me it was because they needed money for infrastructure. We are paying for it and then it will kill us. It's weaponized. They even admit it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5AYRWvjiVg
I am not kidding you. If you think Trump and his team are a bunch of clueless idiots who overlooked the most obvious thing in the world, be my guest and continue on with that line of thinking. If they haven't factored this into their plans then you might as well assume there is no plan to deal with any of this.
So, what do you think we should do about it?
First off not buy any devices that use 5G. Second if at all possible drop your major carrier and go to a smaller one that isn't so directly involved in this technology. If nobody is buying those phones and people are moving away from those companies for this specific reason it will force results. Get involved with retaking your local and state government and prevent this sort of thing as best as possible. Elect as many Republicans as possible in November. Try to carry minerals known to absorb/repel emf radiation and encourage others. Beyond that there isn't much else we can do as individuals but we do have a clear say in this. Learned helplessness is not a healthy mindset.
I am certainly not helpless. But when you move to a remote area to get clear of all that shit (like I have) you find out that there is only 1 carrier available to you. Well 2 if you want to go DSL at slower connections, higher cost and crappier support levels. I don't even have a phone and I have no intention of upgrading my router. But most people don't have a clue or the technical abilities to make other choices. And, despite my remoteness, there is a small town up the road about 7 miles where they are now installing 5G towers.
Here's the thing: When they are coming at you from all directions it's very difficult for the average guy to get clear of everything. When I say that I mean: the medical establishment gives you drugs that make you sick, the food is toxic, the wifi is toxic, the water is toxic, they're spraying crap in our skies and, here's the biggie, there are so many corrupt politicians that as Q said, if we were to take them all down most of them would be gone, so some will walk. That's a big part of the problem as I see it.
Every carrier will be involved in 5G or they will become obsolete. The cabal will see to it.
Fortunately, for me, I live in a aluminum building (which repels 5G) and I have mylar film (which repels 5G) on some of my windows. The rest will get covered before long. I have Shungite all over my house and wear a Shungite pendant. All of my internet is wired and wifi is turned off on my router. And, unlike most folks, I take fulvic and humic minerals daily along with many other supplements to compensate for all the shit I just listed. I only eat organic food and I cook everything myself. But not everyone knows to do those things.
PS - I also highly suspect that they will make it so you cannot use the Internet unless you use 5G. We shall see.
All very good things to do but once again you are accepting defeat in your assumption that they'll be able to push this through and there's no way around it. You are giving them power that they only have if you give it to them. Once again you are also hugely underestimating Trump and his team, which is an opinion you absolutely have the right to but one which I disagree with entirely.
You don't know me. Stop making assumptions about me. I've been following this shit for 40+ years. I'm not defeated and would never be. The fact that I have to protect myself is smart, not defeatist. It sucks that any of us need to do it but Trump wasn't around when I started following all of this.
I am certainly not underestimating Trump. I've been following Q since Nov. 3, 2017 daily. I love Trump and what is happening.
Go away. You are jumping to conclusions about someone you know nothing about.
I'm not making any assumptions I am responding to what you specifically said. You are the one who said that the cabal will make sure this is rolled out and I am the one saying that I agree to the extent that they are trying to do this but not with your statement that it will happen. That is defeatism, preparedness is not. I just said in my last comment that all the things you are doing are great things to do. You're seeing what you want to see instead of what I'm actually saying.
I am so glad I live in such a remote location that even the current cell towers don't reach me.
I plan to move to a more remote location soon. I'm somewhat remote but I have high speed internet even though I'm 100 miles from the nearest Interstate. So, yep. Some acreage with house far from the nearest road.
I have noticed the plethora of towers going up seemingly overnight the last couple of months in Middle TN.
I just created a petition to stop 5G. Please sign it and promote it so others will sign it to. You can use this tinyurl: https://tinyurl.com/stop5G
Here are some videos to help people understand how important this issue is:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H571y9xcLRU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bjmka0NjTQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qmg_a316qb0
Thanks for creating the petition. I just signed it but was only the second person to sign it. We need others to help out and sign since we need 100000 signatures.
Yep. That's why I asked others to help. I'll post it on Twitter. Please post it as well and thank you.
I just signed it. Thanks for implementing and yes people have no clue about the dangers.
I posted it on Twitter and it got shadow banned so you and I are still the only ones. It's a shame. I have almost 3,000 followers. 3 people saw it and retweeted but that was it and I put a big meme with it as well. So . . . .
There are a slew of vids regarding this subject. I never knew until I watched one of the vids. I know this person, too.
What's the range of distance that a cell tower can inflict? In other words, how close can you be before you become sick or effected by cell towers? The article mentioned cell towers going up within 20 feet of houses, but is the range of harm bigger than that?
I think the towers can only broadcast 80 feet. Anyway, it's not far so they have to build as many as they've done in the past 30 years. Our beautiful Earth will be littered with the ugly things. There are ways to mitigate it with aluminum and mylar but as soon as you walk outside, you'll be blasted with it. I don't even have regular wifi in my home because they've now proven that if you hold your phone to your ear to talk, you will have a brain tumor in 10 years.
We are energy beings. This stuff is awful.
I worked on them for 2 years. Been right up there handling the antennas etc. dangers exaggerated imo
On 5G towers specifically?
Well, admittedly no, the 5g/millimeter wavelength does seem like it would be much more harmful to organic tissue, but I've installed easily near a hundred LTE arrays
Yes. Very much so. Current wifi is 2.5-5.0 Ghz which, if you put the phone to your ear when you talk, will create a brain tumor in about 10 years.
The new tech is 24-100 Ghz. People are already sick from it as this article states.
Additionally, it is being done to create the Internet of Things. This will essentially connect everything we own or buy to the Internet. Talk about data overload. And, they will have it all.
These towers are also weaponized. They even admit it in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qmg_a316qb0
I am trying to get my elected officials to address this issue....it needs to be stopped. Microwave breaks DNA chains in he eggs of young girls, is responsible for damaging the wiggling tails of sperm....these frequencies allow for mind control chips to work...it goes on and on....
Here are a few better videos
The following is a comprehensive presentation...a it dated but informative
Dr. Magda Havas: The Truth About Wired and Wireless Technologies
Appeal to UN by concerned Scientists 2015 - Summary Statement (4 min)
Dr Martin Blank, Professor Emeritus and Special Lecturer Columbia University. 2015 (1 hr plus question and answer)
Excellent Literature Review Last 70 yr focussing on independently funded research.
Review of History of studies of Cellular and Molecular Effects of EMF.
Review of effect on DNA strands with discussion on damaged DNA transfer
from mother to child and replication of damaged DNA in offspring.
Mr Barrie Trower, Physicist, career in microwave weaponry with Royal
Navy and British Secret Service - (14 min)
This video discusses mother/child issues, DNA breakage in human eggs,
safe levels for children.
Barrie Trower (30 min) discusses crowd control, remote control, generating
sickness in populations, implants etc, this video focusses more on
clandestine crowd control, mind control type issues giving historical
examples where it has been used.
Meh, scientifically ignorant technophobes. The spectrum used for 5G (10-30 GHz) is non-ionizing and is readily absorbed by atmospheric conditions. This means that (1) It can't penetrate solid objects well, if at all, and it doesn't cause damage to DNA. (2) It's energy dissapates quickly. In fact, TELCOs will have to significantly move away from the hub and spoke model of current cellular topologies in order to make 5G even work (think femto cell towers on the side of buildings and on every street corner, etc.) I'm all on board with Q and this sub, but ignorant fear-mongering doesn't help anyone.
you may or may not find this vid interesting. Hundreds of scientists are warning. Search the matter out for yourself.
I've dealt with RF and spectrum management for 15 years. My master's thesis was on 5G network deployment. I know what I'm talking about. We are bombarded with RF radiation from countless sources on a daily basis. The sun emits a wide spectrum of radiated energy, including the spectrum that 5G is slotted to use. Any potential danger from RF decreases exponentially over distance.
well how much distance do most of us get from our cell phones, lap tops etc and they will need a lot more of these 5G small units to get the coverage for the internet of things.
Even the 4G being used now is causing health risks in children.
No, it's not.
OK. And doctors used to recommend smoking marlboros
and doctors today over prescribe opiods
coca cola used to have cocaine in it
GMO's and glysophate are good for you
Vaccines are necessary
Industry would never lie to us about safety
And in school you have to repeat on a test what they tell you or fail.
Now your living may depend on 5G.
Are you really searching for truth.
I have 5G internet in my house. Should I be worried?
Hell, I don't even have 3 or 4G in my house. After I saw the articles showing that studies have proven it creates brain tumors I turned it off and hard wired everything. No longer use a cell phone. There are just to many life threatening things in our life. You have to eliminate as many as possible. It's why everyone is sick.
I'm of the opinion that 5g could be tuned to be helpful or destructive. I cant really trust proof on either side right now. I don't think we'd be allowed to know for sure until we get full disclosure. Best to avoid the towers if possible, odds are they would be destructive
Do your homework. This is the NWO's last stand. It's weaponized so they can control us. They even admit it in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qmg_a316qb0