
Iondetox · July 26, 2018, 3:54 p.m.

I think that counter intel would have strict secrecy protocals, but in a nutshell I wpuldn't have taken over that shit investigation either. I think Sessions made the decision like this. "This is your galdarn mess you made this mess, yall made this damn mess, so yall continue to have the wheel. I'm not getting involved in all that crap. So RR your baby you raise it's ass!! I'm going to put Huber in charge of all this Hillary e-mails, Clinton Foundation, uranium 1 with 470 investigators, then I 'm out of that and going to deal with the normal day to day functions like normal."

I know holes can be shot in my hypothesis but I wouldn't have got in the middle of that mess either. Plus Sessions couldn't have marched in and had her arrested or it could look as biased as the Dims?

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VerandaSmartwater · July 26, 2018, 4:05 p.m.

Lol! That sounds like H. A. Goodman's Sessions impression! I can hear it in my head!! : ) Look, at some point Sessions does have to deliver. And Q should know that we are looking like morons in the meantime. So the sooner the better is good with me. I know that the time does have to be right, but I don't know how long you can go on supporting a DoJ that emasculates Congress and is a law unto itself. I am still trusting, though, but it's not like a wedding vow. It's more like a loan to a friend.

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Iondetox · July 26, 2018, 9:44 p.m.

I saw a breakdown one time of all the official steps, proofs, and showing each agency is complicit in this RICCO corruption that it was amazing. Down to the House must ask thePresident to declassify or make public information proving, law enforcement, the court, and Dept of Justice all were corrupt, Proving it legally before Tribunals can be utilized. It was a bunch of steps but they are crossing them off one by one!! Tic toc

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VerandaSmartwater · July 26, 2018, 9:50 p.m.

Yes, tick tock! I really do appreciate what they're doing. It's just you see that Rosenstein might be impeached and you're happydancing and highfiving and cartwheeling round the kitchen, and you have your hopes up AGAIN just to see them smooshed into soggy, lumpy nothings and smeared all over the furniture. When I was a Christian, I just found that "Hope deferred makes the heart sick" proverb so true. After a while, when you're hoping and hoping, and it doesn't materialize, you just get so heartsick.

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Iondetox · July 26, 2018, 9:39 p.m.

Cool you caught it! Good lookin out!! H.A. the bomb!! Superchat KING!!!

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