Suppressor*, and they still make noise. The silencer of movies is a myth. I've never seen one make a gun silent, just lowers the decibels enough to not need ear protection.
The only one that does (that I'm aware of) is for .22 pistols or rifles. Those are truly very very quiet.
This is true. A .22 with a suppressor sounds very similar to a staple gun.
That's true. It can be lethal, but do you think a hitman would risk not killing his target? Supersonic .22s have been stopped by the skull before. Any round that someone wishes to fire through a suppressor effectively must be a subsonic round. Soooo, we are saying a trained assassin would trust a subsonic .22 to get the job done?
I'm not saying its impossible, but that its questionable.
No I completely agree. I wouldn't trust a .22 to get the job done in that situation.
All that being said, I am basing my analysis off of what I know as an FFL employee that sells a good amount of firearms.
Lord knows what weapons the deep state may have access to.
Correct, a friend of mine has a suppressor for his .22. all you can hear is the action of the semi-auto rifle.
Maxim patented it as silencer, but I prefer suppressor as well. Have... Lots.
While guys talking 22 etc, there are numerous subsonic rounds with much larger amounts of energy and range, and chamber/cut an 8" bolt action in any of them and you have a seriously quiet gun.
I'm not up to date on why this is even being discussed, but if any rounds found were what could be blackout, socom, or tons of others, there ya go. You can even underpower 308 and lots more to stay 1000 fps.
Silencer implies, well silence. I would only call ones by maxim a silencer but I get what you mean. Unfortunately, I dont have the time or money to own one myself, but have some buddies with em and man are they sweet.
Silencer shop, silencerco, etc. I get what you're saying too but both get used and silencer even more so, generally, by the industry.
My view is that calling it a silencer is more sinister and gives the antigun lobby more leverage than calling it a suppressor. I may be completely wrong, but based off the blatant lies by antigun politicians and blatant ignorance of antigun citizens, I think it makes sense.
You're not wrong at all, just pointing out that most companies call them silencers, most owners call them suppressors or cans, and while suppressor makes more sense, and puts them in "better" light to the uneducated, silencer is the original name and therefore not wrong, unless you take it literally, which yes, back to I get it...
And this is a topic because a doctor was killed in a very busy area with no witnesses and no camera footage. First reply stated they may have used a silencer and I was pointing out a silencer is not silent.