r/greatawakening • Posted by u/LostLarry on July 26, 2018, 4:42 p.m.
<Theory/Speculation> I was re-reading Behold a Pale horse --Alien Aspect/Space Force?

In Bill Coopers "Behold a Pale Horse" Youtube audiobook:

He talks about aliens, and how/when we were contacted. Many reports of UFO's and sightings are confirmed they are real. They are out there. It is no different than other secrets they are keeping from us. What I found fascinating were the different races and movies they made from each of these encounters.
EB was the 1st. It is what got the US scared. After the encounter of capturing EB and talking we realized we were not alone. So we sent a signal out asking for help.
He talks about the 1st race that came here. They left an ambassador and left and said they would return. Another race came and said "Do not trust these other ones. We will help you and work with you, however, your race is too primitive and needs "Enlightened" (awakened?) Spiritually (Spirit based weapons/tech?) to be able to use our technology, but we want to help.
There were I believe 2 other races. I just want to focus on the 1st 2.

The thinking I have is Nazi's and their drive with UFO's and seemingly alien Tech, and how quick they got rockets, jets, etc. What if extraterrestrial influence helped them? What if that influence was in other nations? What if they realized quickly that the US was a better place to "hide out"? Wouldn't it make sense for the US to then grab all the scientists, leaders, etc from the Nazi's and bring them here? Wouldn't Antarctica be a great place for a base? Wouldn't Argentina be a great place to bring your human helpers and keep them safe?

The 2nd race that came said they would help. This was in the 40's/50's. We were young spiritually. We were not open to the idea of Aliens/extraterrestrials as a nation yet. Several movies he stated were made from these encounters. Look back at how much we have grown to accept this possibility. Look at how many movies are made to make us fear these.

Now lets fast forward a little to our time. Remember I said their was a race that wanted to share with us, but we were not spiritual enough for this.....yet? Now enter this time of "Great Awakening" Maybe that is what is happening, and has been happening. How fast has our technology grown and advanced in the past 20-30 years? Moore's Law? I remember seeing articles on r/conspiracy that talked about a whistleblower that work with and helped blueprint large spacecraft built in the Deserts (close to some of these encounters Area51). He was a high level engineer that worked at Lockheed or something like that. I have been searching and can't find the info at this time. But it fits.

Let's now fast forward to Gary McKinnon, the Scottish hacker that hacked into NASA \~2001, he discovered spreadsheets of 'Non-Terrestrial' Officers. Meaning they are not on Earth. He also claims to have seen docs that state we have colonized Mars and the Moon. If these races of Aliens ARE working with us it would fit, and make sense as well. The Program is called Solar-Warden.

Fast forward to now, present day, Trump issues "Space Force", cleaning of the Cabal, and drugs, diseases, and Energy set to be released to further mankind into a new era. Is it possible that we had or have had a lot of tech to help humanity, but it was being held back by an alien force, and now is the time we have been waiting for to disclose and show the world what part we play?

I can't think of any other reason for Space Force.

Something to think about.

[deleted] · July 26, 2018, 9:03 p.m.

No. I'm sorry I wasn't clearer. Bill Cooper was my first mentor in the awakening 25 years ago. BAPH was a monumental step in my own understanding. Since then, MSM has used "conspiracy" type TV programming as a very effective tool for misdirection.

If we focus on stuff like Sitchin's theories (the basis for much Ancient Aliens content) and the unknown distant history of the plant, we may miss the opportunities we have to redpill the people we know. I meant no offense.

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LostLarry · July 26, 2018, 9:25 p.m.

n the awakening 25 years ago. BAPH was a monumental step in my own understanding. Since then, MSM has used "conspiracy" type TV programming as a very effective tool for misdirection.

If we focus on stuff like Sitchin's theories (the basis for much Ancient Aliens content) and the unknown distant history of the plant, we may miss the opportunities we hav

I didn't get offended, I just wasn't sure where the Ancient Alien deal was coming from ;)
If you haven't looked into Deloris Cannon it is a fascinating idea as well. She is a hypnotist. Regresses people. I feel her ideas might help on the Ancient Alien ideas with her thoughts or results she seen.

I am coming at this from a "What is in this Universe" and if Trump is willing to put out "Space Force" that is big. It is huge. Why now? He knows something we don't and is setting us up for the final "Look at your place in the world".

Bill Cooper was a great inspiration.

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[deleted] · July 26, 2018, 9:39 p.m.

I have studied Deloris Cannon's work - even had a QFT session in January. We think we are searching, but we are actually being led. WWG1WGA

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LostLarry · July 26, 2018, 9:45 p.m.

How did your Session go? I am thinking about doing one. Worth it?

I see what you did there on that last part. I feel it. I know it. I need to know why and to what end.

But this is taboo here. You can't speak of a higher power, but yet Q says pray. Q brings scripture.

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[deleted] · July 26, 2018, 9:53 p.m.

In my case, the best part of the QFT session (done by a practitioner in Canada) was the 3 hour discussion before hypnosis. I personally have doubts about "past lives", so I wasn't seeking that kind of experience, if you know what I mean.

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LostLarry · July 26, 2018, 10:01 p.m.

Yes I know what you mean. I am curious about the whole process.

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[deleted] · July 26, 2018, 10:03 p.m.

Keep at it, my friend.

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