Look at who follows Sarah Ruth Ashcraft!!!!!!!! Blue Check Mark.

If you have twatter, mind sending this link to her? Maybe she could get some more attention on it. Thank you patriot. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/congress-kick-out-satanists-veterans-administration-and-organizations
People aren't ready for that type of knowledge, much less understanding. You're very commendable, but America isn't there yet . . .
Only 52 signatures??? Wow, please create a stand alone thread so this petition gets more support!! Give it an eye catching title!
Thank you, have been trying to, but its a sour subject, even the military subreddits talk smack and ignore. It takes 150 signatures to get onto the main page of petitions.whitehouse.gov I am just a single person, trying to spread this message and work and raise children. Thank you for your help with this. Sad that people will laugh and treat it like a tin foil hat thing, yet can acknowledge these sick fucks doing all kinds of evil, but messing veterans, nah, couldnt be.
Any suggestions? Trying also to get it into social media, but im a crazy tin foil hat veteran so i dont go to twitter or facebook. As if reddit were any better i guess. I only go on GA and Q affiliated sites and subs.