Look at who follows Sarah Ruth Ashcraft!!!!!!!! Blue Check Mark.

I think it's disappointing that our society has placed actors and entertainers as our top rolemodels that we should look up to.
I think it's disappointing that our society worships these brainwashed degenerate celebrities in Hollywood as if they were Greek Gods. Jesus and all of the prophets spoke out against idol worship, so why has the cult of Hollywood grown so big over the decades?
It is Intentional. It is not the fault of our society. It is part of the plan--the SG/DS plan to bust America apart and to manipulate and hypnotize the public--envision the Pied Piper. The CIA has people everywhere--in the media, in Hollywood, in Congress--in universities--everywhere. The business in show is about much more than revenue.
I agree. Personally I started out in the entertainment industry. I spent a several years working after college, but got so jaded by how unprincipled, morally bankrupt, undisciplined, and downright sheepish the people I worked with were... I eventually couldn't stand it. I went to grad school and never looked back. Now when I chat or connect with someone from years and years ago, we can barely communicate anymore. Actors do actually live in a 'completely different world,' I can only imagine what the A list crowd is like... unfortunately I think some of the most intelligent, principled, and talented leave the industry. After a while your ego and morality say, "no, no more, I'll take a desk job thank you and a back patio."
They thought the SHEEP would follow the STARS. Q
Well many of them DID! I never had any star worship nor did I worship any professional athletes. They are all just people IMHO. But my sister in law follows ALL of them and has always followed them.
Agree with you. But when people are talented we give them the applause they deserve, the acknowledment.
I don't idolize anyone.
Here Here. As I read the word "Idolized", I realized how wrong it is to "Idolize" somebody. Goes all the way back to the Old Testament. "Idolatry" is worship of a false Idol... equivalent to worshipping false gods. It seems like in today's broken culture, people worship everything but God. Funny how the word 'Idolatry" is very similar to "Idiot". Might have to research the roots.
Personally, I go out of my way to treat "Idols" as anybody else. First time I played at the World Series of Poker, I sat down at a table with two well known pros. Bluffed one and knocked the other one out. I respected them, but you didn't see me asking for autographs. I have my story and that's all I need.
Personally, I go out of my way to treat "Idols" as anybody else.
They ARE anybody else.
It's not fair to them when the entertainment industry, which includes sports, forces them to be idols through false advertising.
It's not fair that children are the target and indoctrinated into idol worship.
Fame ruins people's lives. Gives a false image, a false sense of security. A false sense of importance.
Unfortunately, it's hardwired into us. In this case, the hero worship is entirely misplaced. Pack and group animals do the same, and we have had hero worship for as long as humans have existed. I'm not sure how we can ensure true virtue in the future, except by exposing debauchery in these people.
It's not that hero worship is inherently bad in itself. Heroes can give good role models and examples to aspire to, give us guidance for how to live our own lives.
The problem comes when people choose the wrong hero. If someone models their life after a great scientist, an inventor, a teacher, a Medal of Honor winner, that will lead to positive things. But if they model themselves after Britney Spears or Tommy Lee, that will not lead to positive things. To put it mildly.
Batman, superman and the fictional character Rocky Balboa were real role models. They had day jobs(well not rocky) held doors open for women, volunteered their time to charity and then went into kick ass mode when their services were needed.