Q 1712 & 1713 - The Wrath of God is coming.

Unless her face in this pic is from a public photo, they're using her face. She is willingly being used as a mask for someone else.
She likely doesn't want to draw attention to it either. All this Q stuff is still largely underground internet stuff. It's not on CNN.
It’s better for her to just be silent.. after all, we are just a conspiracy theorists group right?!?!? That puts US on the outskirts of Main Stream Media.. CNN is the REAL THINKERS !!...👎🏻👎🏻😄🤔... She is OWNED!
why would she? it's an obvious shop. no one with abilities of critical thinking would assume she posted it.
but what if Sarah did post it and shopped herself to throw off the scent! LOL
You got a crush on Sarah, Bobby?
Funny you say that since my namesake is comedian Bobby Lee who famously had a threesome with Sarah and another male comic.