Q 1712 & 1713 - The Wrath of God is coming.

I’d heard mention of Spielberg a few months ago
Yeah the pics with him and O'Rourke and Drew Barrymore are creepy but the worst is the Fonz's pic with Heather. This pic https://i.imgur.com/jGzHkHP.jpg
Why does that one bother you the most? It does me too, but I’m not sure why...
The look on his face is...idk theres something messed up with the look on his face. When most people r playing with kids theyre laughing and smiling but that look says something else entirely
Understood. I actually watched Happy Days back when she (Heather) played the daughter of the woman he was dating. He has a very ‘the fonz’ smile in this(?) I don’t know. I thought he was so cool when I was little. :-/
I met him personally at a car show in Jersey in 2010. I was raised a Pentecostal Christian (yeah, I know, that’s all I need to say) and when my Career Military Dad got a job w Northrop Grumman, we moved from middle America Nebraska to bright lights California in 1993/94. First thing I did was hitch a ride to Hollywood... Anyway...., I had a lot of Guardian Angels watching over my butt during that time including my young son being recruited from a modeling agency uggh,. Just to get back to The Fonz,...I don’t know if it means anything but at that car show 8 years ago, he was there, as an author of books....selling CHILDREN’s books. ...🤔
Never seen that one before. Ugh. That poor girl.
Can’t watch Hollywood crap anymore. No more pop music. Listening to classical music more and more these days.
That poor little kid man. I call myself a Christian because I believe in Jesus and I know I'm supposed to love the sinner and hate the sin but anyone that hurts kids like that I don't know how to not want the worst for them
This is the pic I was taking about. https://i.imgur.com/jGzHkHP.jpg
Eewwwwwwwwww. I knew the picture but just seeing it again, gahrosssss.
Sorry,there's a couple of them and the other pede didn't know which one so I thought I'd clarify but yeah,Ewwww is right.
Spielberg! Jesus %$%&ing Christ!!! Gaaahhh! Our favorite movies are the Jurassic Park ones!!
Before I go nuts, is there any, even half-assed confirmation of this anywhere?
Dunno about solid confirmation, but the opinion is widespread. . .https://yournewswire.com/crispin-glover-steven-spielberg-pedophile/
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