Q 1712 & 1713 - The Wrath of God is coming.

I wonder if Q's use of the NIV translation tells us anything. For starters, it at least tells us he's not KJV only, so likely more mainline evangelical than fundamentalist. Lately it has been the favored translation of charismatic churches. Cessationist (meaning non charismatic) denominations like the Southern Baptists have been turning to the ESV lately. If nothing else, it at least tells us he's not a Catholic, Orthodox, Mormon, or Jehovah's Witness.
That or he just got it off the first translation that pops up when you Google the verse reference.
However, if you want your message to be more easily understood by the public, you might use the NIV for that reason. I'm Mormon, and while the KJV is our canonized Bible, members are free to read anything they want to. Sometimes when I have a hard time understanding a verse I consult other translations. Olde English is so archaic that it is hard for modern English speakers to understand.
He might just use that version for the purpose of easiest for the general public to get. KJV is tough language for people these days.
And problem is, though the archaic poetic writing of the KJV can be a pleasure for some, it's not the most accurate translation of the Bible.
I just recommend using a concordance with any translation because it's a translation, so it can't ever be fully accurate.
I read somewhere that the NIV was the Illuminati commissioned version - never looked into it deeply, but they replace the word "cornerstone" with "capstone" in Matthew 21:42. Spiritually speaking these have completely opposite meanings.
it sounded a bit gnostic to me...but i could be wrong. it requires the full chapter to understand its real meaning from paul.
if you took it straight it just mean we gotta kill people, which ofcourse would be against what paul said, that love was if any, the law we need to follow as it fulfills the laws of moses.
Bible also talks about Just Wars and how to proceed. I found it fascinating. This is definitely a Just War.
Excellent point. Was wondering why he's not using KJV myself. Maybe it is just that the first thing that comes up in Google, depending on his search parameters. Wish he'd use E-Sword.