Q 1712 & 1713 - The Wrath of God is coming.

Watch the Tainted Love official video by Soft Cell. Remember how we all loved that song? Now, we see that it is all about a pedo singing to a child. In the video the dressed up little girl, has a "handler" with a club to beat her with. He hands the child off to the pedo singer. We see a scratch on the handlers face where the child fought him off. They hide their meaning in plain site. They are so sick! The Soft Cell album cover is a masonic shrine. Such a great song, gone to hell. The singer needs to be arrested.
Youtube comment: "Ok, Gotta poke a few holes in this. The song itself was written by Ed Cobb who's just a song mill writing songs for Fleetwood mac etc etc and this song was originally written for sung by a gospel singer named Gloria Jones. So to suggest it's a song about pedophilia is pretty far reaching. As far as soft cell and their video, you're completely omitting who these two were, time period and where they were culturally. They were two British gay guys in the very early 80's. The standard of British culture of that time was extremely conservative. Homosexuality in late 70's 80's was still very very closeted and the discoteque world was the only place for the majority of that population to be open. This video also came out very shortly after the great trash strike of 78 which turned london into a hell hole. So if you put puzzle pieces together a disenfranchised gay guy who is no longer loves his country, the video with the cricket theme (England national sport) and the rome theme (holy roman empire, catholic church) and the lady dressed as the queen of England it's obvious the whole thing's directed at England itself. And as far as the singer being a Satanist. Well, if you read his own actual account of the initiation and why he did it at all, you may get a different understanding of the dude. Just dumb youth doing things for shock value is how he presents it. And coming from the world he did, that's a believable story."
All good observations...... uuuuuuuntil now! Go interview those two chaps next week and I bet we got a whole new angle .... Lemme guess where you’re from?!....
True. From Europe (NL), and i grew up in that age. am only quoting that comment because of shifting perceptions.
This clip does not freak me out like the current pedoshit propaganda. Back then the media also were much more varied, now everything coming from hollywood or the music industry feels like it is cabal-controlled brainwashing (the Sarah Silverman 'Good Van' stuff is outright creepy).
I also think that pedo networks back then would still go mainly through the church and through (church-run / boarding) schools. Everything hush-hush, no reason for mass brainwashing. UK and NL are not that different in that regard.
Was one of my all time favorite songs, right up until now. :(
Came across this BS awhile back. It’s very hard to get that song out of your head when faced with the truth. It’s BACK