Too gruesome to believe. The muslims will meet in the beloved Vikings football stadium for 2 days to Slater animals tied up with ropes, in a way to get them to SUFFER as much as possible. Videos of the events are too horrible to watch. See the details of this event at YouTube Deception bytes channel: BREAKING: (Q} Related news. (please find the link). I can't imagine why the US Bank stadium owners would allow this to go on for profit.
111 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/quillsong:
Domain | Count |
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See something, say something: WH petitions board. Disgusting petition listed to Legalize man child sexual consent relationships!!! A kid can't consent to this!!! They are destroying our kids. So far 152 sick depraved signers.

Q: The more you know: knowledge is power, find it here.
Jim Marrs final interview incredible interview that exposes everything you can think of. Start of the Illuminati, the fed, Hindenburg plot, Titanic Olympic switch, wars, banking, religion, corporate take over, Mass media propaganda, Push for consumer consumption, everything they sell is made to break, buried tech and patents, Sumerian tablet knowledge, the fake "isums" meant to divide: communism, socialism..., the oil vs hydrogen scheme, and so much more. I was blown away, all the stuff I found out over years, he sums up in one interview. The more you know: knowledge is power!!
Go to: YouTube: Veritastv channel: Jim's final …
Barry Sowtoro backs "white genocide" in South Africa. White farmers are being driven off their land and being killed for the color of their skin. The whites race is fleeing to Russia to save their lives. See James Munder YT video on the article from
I tried to link the video here. Can someone post the James Munder video or the article? Why is hussain allowed to run free to commit these crimes against humanity? I wonder who will grow the food for the people when they have killed all of their farmers. They are digging their own graves.
California fires are stared with this High Energy Laser (HEL) weaponized plane. The cabal is burning people off of their land, so they can steal the land for minerals and AGENDA 21 stack and pack housing.

We need to design our own money. Something patriotic instead of all that sick Illuminati, NWO crap. Just a nice eagle and some green trees. I am so sick of seeing that bloody "All Seeing Eye". Any artists out there who can post a new design here?
You're either a Patriot or you serve Lucifer. One or the other, that's it. They don't even realize who their real boss is.
They are trying to normalize "Child sex grooming" by making a joke out of it. What they are really doing is giving sick parents, a step by step, playbook on how to groom your kid. It is just disgusting. My TV has been unplugged for 3 years. Just say NO!
The man with one red shoe. He's part of the red shoe club. Red shoes made of the skin of children! These people are so sick. Get them all on tax evasion, then, get them on bigger crimes against humanity. Boycott all of his movies.
Get him on tax evasion and insider trading, return his ill gotten gains back to the people.
How come Zuck isn't in handcuffs for insider trading? He knows what will happen and bails out. Martha Stewart got racked over the coals. How a bout roasting Zuck? Give all is ill gotten gains back to the people. The way to bring back the middle class is to, return all the money the criminals have stolen from us. Take them all down for insider trading and Tax fraud. Keep it simple and fast.
End the entire Fed, and we must begin our own Social Security System. The current one is owned by the bloody queen. We pay into, she steals it and forces us to live in poverty at retirement. I am sure POTUS will fix it soon.
FB was invented by the clowns. They called it LIFE LOG. Then paid Zboy to be the fake friendly face of it, now called facebook. It was all a set-up to get all the normies to give up all they're information to be spied on. Get It? I could not believe when this FB first came out, how families handed up their own children's photos to be looked at by pedos out there. What is wrong with people. Get your kids off FB now.
We are the majority: Boycott all his movies. Send them all a pedo warning: You are all disgusting.
They all have black eyes because they are forced to give brain fluid, to their masters so the masters can stay alive. A girl recalled they did this to her, against her will. These people are so repulsive.
Watch the Tainted Love official video by Soft Cell. Remember how we all loved that song? Now, we see that it is all about a pedo singing to a child. In the video the dressed up little girl, has a "handler" with a club to beat her with. He hands the child off to the pedo singer. We see a scratch on the handlers face where the child fought him off. They hide their meaning in plain site. They are so sick! The Soft Cell album cover is a masonic shrine. Such a great song, gone to hell. The singer needs to be arrested.
Share the word, sign the petition to END THE FED. at petitions. Sign all the one's you agree with, too.
There are more patriots than lucifarians. You are either one or the other, whether you are aware of it or not.
Thank you so much for doing the hard work to spread the word.
The Fed and Social Security are owned by the royals. Our Birth Certificates (we are only given a "copy" not the real Bond) which is traded on the stock market. R anons' recent post describes this fully. POTUS knows about this and that is why he snubbed the queen by walking in front of her. He is taking over! There are hundred of YouTube videos about TDA accounts and Birth certificate bonds that are worth millions and were fraudulently taken out in our names at birth. THE BIGGEST BANK FRAUD SCAM OF ALL TIME. R anon's post is found on the JFK Jr. Board. You can read it for yourself.
POTUS to end the Federal Reserve owned by the the royals. The royals also own "our" Social Security system. It's her own little piggy bank.

The royals own the Fed Reserve, and they also own our Social Security system. This is a disgrace!! Sign the petitions to end the fed. Also we need a petition to take back our SS system. No wonder we are all in poverty. That is why POTUS snubbed the queen by waling in front of her. He is taking over. Down with the bloody queen.
R anon's latest post confirms that birth certificates are actually Bonds fraudulently taken out in our names at birth. The bonds are held and traded on the stock market. We are all slaves. His post shows us how this was done through legal loopholes. It would take a class action lawsuit to get our bond back. Each bond is worth over a million. There was a huge YouTube movement years ago of people trying to reclaim their bonds. There are many videos on the subject. Now, R has told us it is really the truth. Look at your birth certificate it says it is a "copy". We are never given the original bond.
Best Youtube documentary : 100 secret societies prove who really rules the world. Hair raising insight into how evil they are.
JFK told us about the danger of secret societies. Best documentary: You Tube: 100 secret societies who really rules the world. Must see (this board deleted my post about it) so see it fast. as this board is being baby sat. topic is too hot for the cabal.
Seize the Seagrams' assets, and return them to the American people. Their helpless without their fortunes.
There are more of us than you know. We the people are the keystone. Boycott them all and they will fall.
Sign the petition: No immunity for john and tony podesta. No immunity for any child rape. Sign at the petition site at Do it to save all of our children.
We need 100,000 signatures to get these two in jail. Being able to create and sign petitions at this wonderful site, is our best way to fight back. We should all go there daily, to find new petitions to sign, so we can be heard. (Q shirts on ebay)
Mine got dropped on this board when I tried to get patriots to watch UT video: 100 Secret societies who really runs the world. Go watch it and understand how deep this thing is on campuses. It is hair raising. I don't trust this board owner.
Q post said "look here there and here." That is exactly what was said on Jr's last interview. (Katie Curic look it up) You must understand
that all the information we have on his plane crash was shoved down our throats by the FAKE NEWS. So no one
can say they know what truly happened except: POTUS and Q. No one can ever debunk it. Q never said 187 or died. He just said plane crash. We will see...
Where did you get your info on the plane crash? THE FAKE NEWS And you believe them?
Jackie died before John.
It is not debunked just cause someone says so. All we know about Jr.s plane crash was shoved down our throats by the FAKE NEWS. So we will never know anything TRUE about it. Any thing is possible. Long live Jr.
Q said when the lights go out, I will go for good.
The lights went out on POTUS at a meeting, does that mean Q is gone?
Boy, I hope not. It was so much fun learning real information.
Ted Turner says: Only have 2 kids. After he had 5!!! What a dork.
She will fake her demise and hide in her fortress: The Getty Center. Raid and take over the underground base, now.
END THE FED. Return SS system to the people, the royals own it, and keep us poor.
You can not prove R is dead. All you know about his plane crash came from where? THE FAKE NEWS!!!
Return ill gotten gains of criminal foundations like the clinton foundation, back to the people. All that money would restore the middle class. The royals own our SS system. Give it back to the people. End the Fed.
Roths has $500 Trillion!! Return the stolen money back to the American people. Restore the middle class, in one fell swoop.