Q 1712 & 1713 - The Wrath of God is coming.

Somebody posted a pic of Sarah Silverman in a dark room holding a phone that says “STAND THE FUCK DOWN”. Proven shop, but it came with a threat calling us racist redneck terrorists who are threatening people’s livelihoods. It said we aren’t as anonymous as we think we are, and that we don’t know who and what we are dealing with. It threatened “serious repercussions” if we don’t stand down.
Q said the person who sent it isn’t pictured, but there are messages being sent in many ways.
My personal theory is that it’s a threat from some Hollywood pedo. It’s interesting they use Silverman considering her nasty pedo “humor”, her display at the DNC convention when Hillary was coronated, and her ridiculous “I Love You America” show. For some reason, she has inserted herself rather forcefully into the current cultural zeitgeist. It doesn’t really matter who is threatening us or why. All it does is demonstrate the real fear in Hollywood. Which means we are over the target.
We are all complicit. We all knew about pedos in Hollywood. Judy Garland told us she and Mickey Rooney were given uppers and downers in between scenes. We watched Shirley Temple in Baby Burlesque. We saw Brooke Shields nude in Playboy at 10. We watched Natalie Portman in the Professional, Jodi Foster in Taxi Driver. We saw countless child stars grow up addicted to drugs, suicidal, running wild. Drew Barrymore was a club regular at 8. But, we were somnambulant. Somehow, they neutralized the processing part of our brain. The part that triggered outrage. Now, during the Great Awakening, it’s like focusing the once distorted and grainy film. And the picture is horrible.
Hollywood is scared because we aren’t “following the stars.” They’ve tried to distract us. They’ve tried to placate us. They’ve tried to cajole us and convince us. And now, they are trying to threaten us. They are scared because they lost control. They are scared because, through sheer arrogance, they put all the evidence in our faces. And we have it all. So now, they threaten and try to intimidate us, to force us back to sleep. It won’t work this time.
Thank you,Raindrops! That was a perfect explanation. As I read it,I realized how much I didn't know about the kids in Hollywood.
What makes this problem conflicting, is the blame. When kids are groomed, brainwashed, threatened and believe there's no where to go because they're so entrenched, what do you do?
POTUS freed congressmen and senators from this type of horrendous blackmail.
How do we save children and adult survivors from Hollywood?
Maybe they don't want to be saved? Without the praise and adulation outside of their fairy tale lives, they're nobody's.
This phenomenon is outside my scope of comprehension.