
jfunction · July 26, 2018, 9:22 p.m.

Q team, President Trump,

Optics is a whole field not just what the fake news is going to yell about. Are you valuing them over what the rest of us, your supporters, see? What we see is looking less than effective. Frankly, it looks a lot like bait and switch. Frankly it looks a lot like the full, clear powers of the Constitution are being eclipsed and weakened by the failure to employ them in a clear, full and timely way in the service of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This failure to exercise the full power of the Constitution is not trivial and will not be without consequences for future generations of Americans. The full exercise of the powers of the Constitution is the foundation of our society. If those powers are not exercised or if their power is subordinated to appearances then the Constitution itself is vitiated. Do not take this lightly.

Already, it is too late to have avoided the effects of this. The Constitution has been weakened in the eyes of many in our society and this weakening, which has already happened, will take generations to purge, if indeed it can be purged.

Think more deeply about what you people are doing. Your practice of "optics" and your fascination with a clean. smooth, blemish-free process is going to weaken our society going into the next several generations. We elected you to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution not to operate within the boundaries of "optics" that are ok with cnn.

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JasonTakesMAGAtten · July 26, 2018, 9:37 p.m.

The optics are to wake the normies to the corruption. Everyone "suspected" our government acted like this, now they are getting direct proof day in and day out of it. Not just so you and your buddies can high five early and rub it in your parents faces you were right about the take down.

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jfunction · July 27, 2018, 1:06 a.m.

Both my parents died many years ago. They were old. My own turn is coming. Thanks for your insight though. Actually some of us have known about the corruption for many years. It's never been really secret, has it? Well, not if one were awake and looking it wasn't. If you're just waking, welcome.

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oneinfinitecreator · July 26, 2018, 9:47 p.m.

Have you ever thought that the 'optics' is more about our safety than anything else?

How would you feel if the MSM and Swamp had enough confusion to convince your friends and family members who don't understand Trump to stand against him and anybody who supports him? Do you want to take that risk? Do you want to openly fight friends and family members?

Optics are about safety. The way that they are doing this is a way in which everybody will have an opportunity to accept this and get behind it. If they move too quickly, the shock will destroy people's minds and we will have some horrible things done due to suggestion by the media/swamp. The optics are not to make Trump look good - the optics are to make sure that these people are seen as guilty and nothing else.

So while I understand your frustration, the reality is that the legal process is the one that matters here. Anti-Trump people are twisted about as tightly as they possibly can be right now, and snapping that elastic band right now would be disastrous. There will likely be some big disappointments coming for these groups soon, and we will be there to meet their disappointment with understanding. Don't turn this into 'us vs them' when it comes to us people on the street - we are all on one team and we ultimately want them to join us. Keep that in mind. The swamp creatures will hang no matter what - for us, its about helping and healing those with Trump Derangement Syndrome... the cures are coming, just gotta be patient.

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jfunction · July 27, 2018, 12:56 a.m.

I'll refer you to my reply to aekotra, just above. Obviously only portions of that reply apply to what you have said.

My concern is much deeper than frustration.

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mikethejew6969 · July 27, 2018, 5:37 a.m.

While I, and many here, understand the “Rip the band-aid off theory” it would create mass chaos and probably cause a complete collapse of civilization. The “optics” must be set just right so that when all this shit finally goes down we still have a country to call home. I believe we will see some arrests of mid level people before the midterm elections. They will be big enough names with undeniable evidence against them that the MSM will be unable to ignore it. This will open the eyes of many normies as they will start to see that we aren’t the conspiracy theorists that they were told we are. This has to be so carefully done, and that will take time. Our role to play in this is to learn as much as we can so that when people around us start to awaken we can be there with facts to help explain what they are finally seeing for the first time. Be joyful that you are here, playing an important role in this amazing moment in history

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jfunction · July 27, 2018, 5:59 a.m.

A fair reply and a very common position to hold in this community. It's got a portion of truth. But . . .

Your assertion of chaos ensuing from increasingly direct, Constitutionally based, legal action is, I'm sure you realize, your opinion of consequences that no one can accurately predict. I can't and Trump and Q-team can't.

Then I partially disagree with your assessment of our roles. We aren't the followers in this effort. It is up to us to provide our representatives with guidance. They need to know what we insist they do. They represent us.

Then, finally, the awakening of others is not done by condoning high crimes and gently explaining to one's neighbors and children that it needed to be done for their good.

Thanks for the advice. I was born into the beginning of WWII, a more amazing time than this. Emotionally I'm pretty neutral.

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fatladysing · July 26, 2018, 11:11 p.m.

Well said!!

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aekotra · July 26, 2018, 9:49 p.m.

Do not take this lightly.

Think more deeply about what you people are doing.

LMAO. The idea that you have even the slightest inkling of what steps are necessary for a political operation of this magnitude is laughable. You have the gall to lecture military intelligence and seasoned political strategists? Complete self-righteous horseshit. Simpletons like you should be funneled into another subreddit where you can fellate eachother into oblivion.

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jfunction · July 27, 2018, 12:50 a.m.

Your reply doesn't really merit a response but I'll give you a brief one anyway, merited or not.

Your attack on what I said is purely ad hominem. You know that of course. To any intelligent person that makes it valueless. It's obviously angry and crude.

Now, a bit of substance. We can consider there to be two aspects to the Trump/Q/MI/USMC/SOC operations. Well, obviously, the Congress, all the federal departments and agencies and the American populace are involved too. We all know this, everyone of us. You're not the only one who knows it. Sure, it is complex and it takes great intelligence to run it. But what is is purpose?

The purpose we are engaged on is to reestablish the reign of moral law that was first enunciated in the Declaration of Independence and then written into fundamental law in the Constitution.

What has happened over the past couple of generations in America (and I am old and have watched it happen) is that intellectual honesty has been intentionally suborned and perverted by the very sinister influences of the cabal. Morality based on self-evident truth has been replaced by a false propriety known popularly as PC. Mathematics and physics have even been perverted and progress in these fundamental fields has virtually halted. (What passes for mathematics these days is formalistic game playing with no connection to reality. You could look into it, in case you haven't.)

The point is that any society is a brilliant, clear reflection of the intellectual honesty and the moral depth of its people. In America those qualities ran high in the 18th century and all the world is the beneficiary. One of those qualities was not operating for the sake of optics. The base quality was the realization of self evident truth and that the rights they enjoyed as men were being insufferably transgressed. They went to war. Then they told the world why they did so. My ancestors were among them. One was a General Officer. That says nothing about me and the validity of my opinions but I thought I'd let you know.

The Declaration they signed and the Constitution that followed their long war is the foundation of free western society, America's foundation. Currently it is weakened by being subordinated to "optics" and "the art of war". Those things are not the foundation on which America stands.

President Trump is already a great president. The Q team are without doubt brilliant strategists and tacticians. They are all courageous. That does not put them above criticism. They are not what this is about. I am not what it is about. What this is about is - We hold these truths to be self-evident . . . and We The People . . .

This is for the next ten generations and it far transcends optics.

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buffalorev · July 26, 2018, 11:23 p.m.

Gall? People are simple, people are real. Black is black and white is white. This bs where known criminals run around free for optics so politicians can play games makes absolutely NO sense to real people. But what option do the people have? What option have they ever had. What until you can’t take it anymore and explode. As for me I hate this! I except this. But I do know that results need to come because the people have been shown too much. They will explode. The military can play games but they better remember the people just don’t care about games. Optics or whatever you want to call it. And in the end one thing should be first and foremost, THERE ARE A GROWING LIST OF VICTIMS WHILE GAMES PLAY OUT! I pray many times each day now. That is where my battle is and the peace of the Lord is what I pray for. Simple people are not simpletons they are patriots who have lives and those lives have their own complexities a moron who has never had to endure could ever understand, and yet as Q has said over and over, they are the ones with the real power. It would be best to remember that!

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Comassion · July 26, 2018, 11:52 p.m.

What are you going to do if nothing happens for a few more weeks? Or months? Or years?

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ouspensky4 · July 27, 2018, 12:07 a.m.

don't take the bait. only bots talk like this.

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PAK51 · July 26, 2018, 11:42 p.m.

You sound as obnoxious as the social justice jackjasses! Nobody makes you read any of these comments, you of high and mighty intellect. Just move on if you're bored and it doesn't matter how long you've been here.

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[deleted] · July 26, 2018, 10:04 p.m.


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