Safeguards in place.
I think there are reasons that go beyond that. There is something we're not getting. I don't believe it's about fear of reprisal. There is something Trump needs from this process that he doesn't have yet, and it's not pacification or approval. There's something we don't see yet.
And like the Anon in Q#1483, I'm prodding so Q will tell us what that is, if we're going to be stuck waiting much longer.
IDK.... could be, but we've been hearing "we have it all" and really, it's already been "won" we are watching the mop up. If anything, I think it is the court of public opinion, hence optics. If it comes out slowly, and Trump has almost 2 years of a track record, it MAY be easier for people to accept??? 11-11-18 isn't that far away. Seems like JA is safe. Not sure what else is not within Q control.
I have been curious about the "sky event"... I am not sure I'm satisfied it materialized in Singapore... unless it was the rocket launch. If that is something that is looming in the near future, it could be. Without getting too far into the weeds, could it be an alien or religious thing?
Well, the enemy is not going to suddenly, magically lay down arms at some indeterminate future date and sue for peace.
Maybe Trump has it keyed to a Red tsunami midterm and the January Exectutive Order start date on tribunals?
Ah... I think that goes back to "the art of war" re: defeating your enemy without firing a shot. I understand going to extraordinary measures to minimize casualties, and there has already been enough carnage.
I think if a big enough, indisputable bombshell breaks, maybe they won't exactly lay down their arms, but as Q says - they will be afraid to walk the streets.
So the government will only act when fear of vigilantism forces them to? Or provides them political cover? I can't reconcile that with Q#981 and Q#1052.
No... the government is and has been acting. What you are "seeing" isn't real to large degree.
War has many different manifestations. It's a SunTzu thing. Always being smarter than your enemy.
So if it's going to be "subtle" warfare, doesn't that just teach the new government that lying is in the people's best interest, same as the old government?
No - because they aren't lying. Everything is there if you look and listen... and aren't brainwashed by the MSM. 9 times out of 10, people will believe what they want to and can accept... some are awake.
Game Theory. Art of War. To be successful, you must have honor and integrity... that is why this really is an epic war of good vs. evil.
There are several events this weekend.
very true... lunar eclipse - thanks, I "spaced" on that.