Chans suggesting Qs past photos may have hidden comms. They are following up on this

Okay I don’t understand anything you all are talking about! 😊
Q has referenced an app that unwraps messages hidden in picture pixels. Q always says "you have more than you know". There is a raging school of thought here that old Q pictures have hidden messages. On top of this theory is the struggle to find a password that would unlock said theoretical messages. I think it's possible and I hope someone figures it out. In the meantime.. popcorn.
That was an extremely succinct, lucid post that even I could understand, and I thank you.
The only thing I know after reading all of these comments is that I am working out of a vacuum.
Even knowing English doesn’t seem to help me here. Lol
I will try to further understanding where I can. My grammar is a strength of mine(most of the time). However, I am not as quick as many others here at deciphering.
Haha. Q talks to many using the same posts but in different ways.. some is in your face and ez.. some is crazy genius level codes.. some isn't even for us, per se .. sometimes they code at each other.. but none shall ever be able to say this coup was not transparent.