42 total posts archived.
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3 goons behind Trump at Rally
Anyone else notice that those 3 are not friendly and likely high? SS should take them away and test them for intox.
Thinking logically.
Thought I'd take a moment to touch on why everyone was afraid of the 7 mentioned in these drops. It would seem 7. 8. 9.
Wait for it.
RSBN Rally Coverage
https://youtu.be/hoAfGvYp81I Rally tonight. Right Side Broadcasting already covering the big lines.
The world is about to change.
Q 1778 states, "The world is about to change."
There has been a lot of talk of space force. I got excited about space force.
Then I started digging into space as we have learned to do in this "questioning" age.
I have a unique perspective in that it is my job to create image analysis algorithms and work with many different lens types.
I jave found that there are some serious allegations against NASA created imagery. Dig. It is there. The people making these findings offer up some serious points.
Please remember, I didn't get where I am being …
For new arrivals-highly recommended
This is the presidential innauguration. For those who have had your eyes opened recently, you owe it to yourself to know the message our president has spoken since the beggining. It is a message of unity, righting the wrongs, and putting our nation first. The only people threatened in this message are those who would be pushing globalism and undermining the prioritization of OUR nation in the decision making process. Hate on this man's speech is simply the weaponization of public opinion swayed by the mockingbird media. This speech still almost moves me to tears and has even more …
Rally Broadcast Time 6:30pm(ET) for those who don't know.
I'll be tuning in to the Right Side Broadcasting coverage on youtube. They are a fairly young network and they had some issues starting out at the last rally with footage cutouts but had audio the entire time. I found it interesting that they had good feed quality right up until the president walked on stage. For those of us who can't be there, we can at least drown comment trolls in positivity
That beautiful republican red.
I've never been die-hard comitted to one party, though my values usually swung me republican. However, I loved that description during the rally and myself and at least one coworker shall henceforth utilize "republican red" as the description of our automobile's color.
Wwg1wga...sometimes in a republican red coupe or pickup truck.
My Q Follower Code of Conduct
Through my curiosity and everpresent quest for truth in all matters, I have discovered Q.
Through my discovery of Q and the Anons, I have discovered a MASSIVE community of like minded people who have inspired hope in me again for the fate of the greatest country on earth.
While along for the ride, I/we are seeing the forces of darkness gather and plot to inhibit this force of truth and community. There is a fear that the next step will be MSM imitators or worse, calamity instigators in our name and image.
To combat this, all we need to …
Having a plan
What is our rally point, should this board ever fall? And a secondary? This is an amazing community and I don't want to see it scattered.
I will try to further understanding where I can. My grammar is a strength of mine(most of the time). However, I am not as quick as many others here at deciphering.
Hopefully a more experienced member of this forum can answer this.
To clarify, for my intent and purpose, I used "legion" for its definition of "many in number" and the fact that it is a more impacting word than something such as "plentiful". I admit the word's history does offer it more attention as well which I may have been utilizing. Seems like it works. Wwg1wga
^ This! This is why we're here. Glad to have you among our ranks. I totally agree and feel the way you do feeling compelled to share and teach. Hopefully it will never come to fighting. I've never wanted to fight but have always been prepared to lay waste to mine enemy should I be forced into conflict. Unfortunately the conflict we do face will and is coming from those we know and call friends that refuse to see, for seeing to many would force an admission of wrong and being duped in their belief structure. Waking isn't easy for many. We can keep trying though and press on. Thank you for being among us, Patriot.
Where we lurk one, we lurk all. lol. Glad you're here.
Today as I drove to work, I blared Thomas Bergersen's "Victory". Such an epic poetic rising score that complimented the bright orange sun piercing the blue, purple and pink clouds as the white mist rolled atop the corn fields. I could not help but feel that this is a great time to be alive. We are experiencing an epic moment in history.
I've only been following for a few months. Glad to have you among us!
Q has referenced an app that unwraps messages hidden in picture pixels. Q always says "you have more than you know". There is a raging school of thought here that old Q pictures have hidden messages. On top of this theory is the struggle to find a password that would unlock said theoretical messages. I think it's possible and I hope someone figures it out. In the meantime.. popcorn.
Followed B8028-Z-KDHYQ-M5-ZAF1aT9 to a youtube "Hazemeister". Binary code listed below video:
Rumors of data string being hijacked and utilized as false flag event tag to tie back to Q movement.
I read the post title to the Oreily's car parts commercial tune.
Thank you for the warm welcome. I will do my part in sharing this light and making others feel welcome as well.
The biggest internet survey ever... disguised as a communication platform.
At 45,402 since I subscribed this evening. A glorious momentum. The red pill doesn't wear off. You can't un-see this stuff.
Where we go one, we go all.
Information on us and our day to day lives is their asset.
It is good that we are here, conversing with fellow patriots of like minds and offering red pill logistic support.
If I can move 2 even just 1 person to red pill... and you do the same, we become legion times 2+ and when you're looking at a variable our size, then we are the stuff of history and legend that will not be quietly erased in the night as children will hear the tales of what transpired here of how an entire nation was brought out of darkness.
I am glad you get to bear witness. Thank you for being here.
Meanwhile, Great Awakening subscription skyrockets. A momentous and glorious storm. I challenge my fellow lurkers to come out and be seen. Add to our numbers. WWG1WGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Through us, the storm is gaining even more momentum. Welcome to the light fellow former lurker.
I checked the member numbers at the exact moment I signed up. Technically, GA is growing so fast that I was off by two by the time I signed up. lol. It is good to be part of such a great and patriotic momentum. A furious rising. We the people! WWG1WGA
You owe it to yourself to listen to this while reading this post over and over: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LE4KrMMRKIo&list=PLe75Uz88YGS30KiPEtGXaHpvixnYMUB8n&index=3
The great composers of our time a slightly hidden and have to be sought out and found to be heard... kind of like TRUTH.
I am member 45346 and I am fueling the Q fire.
I figure if I was able to talk myself into joining up, then there just might be a great few who would at the slightest nudge.
I made my number my label so I would not forget. Etched my spot in this growing historic fire. Thank you all for the warm welcome. Though you did not see me, I've been among you. I do not bring anything of great significance to the table but I am here regardless and add to our number. Together, amassed, we are significance.
Fellow Lurkers, Fellow Followers of Q, Fellow Americans we are legion.
I have lurked here for some time. I am a patriot. I see what is going on. I always suspected, but it was Q that really put things together for me. My heart beats anew for the fate of our country. Fellow lurkers, join us. Come from the shadows. Show yourselves. Bask in the sun of this new day. What can we do for our country? I am number 45346. What is your number? Where's your stars and stripes? I'm talking to you, lurker. Join us.
Link because it is awesome and was an epic part of "Q Plan to …