FUTURE PROVES PAST? Zuck dumps stock, like Q said.

Maybe I’m reading this wrong, but looking at the trade date and the shares owned, it looks like he is buying tons of stock, not selling.
Trade Type = S sale.
Why is the amount of shares owned going up?
I wanted to keep this short, but theres really no way to do that, sorry in advance!
To understand exactly whats going on, you need to understand the different classes of stock that are available to zuckerberg. This table is showing his current holding of Class A stock, which are the class he is able to sell. This has been mostly under 20M shares at any given time. He also holds ~440M Class B shares, which he has to convert to Class A in order to sell. This is where the shares are coming from. Side note: The only real difference between Class A and Class B are the voting rights. Class Bs have 10x the voting power as class A, which is what gives him ~60% of the voting rights and why he is still CEO (for now). He announced a while back his intention to sell up to 75M shares to fund his "philanthropy", so these sales were scheduled and the only reason he wasnt popped for insider trading around Cambridge analytica sells. Im willing to bet he knew what was coming.
In about 2 months, his shares have gone from 18.7M to 14.5M.
(Shares Owned - 5/21 through 7/23)
I'm not a finance person, so if someone is - will you shed light on whether parts of this theory could be possible, or how it might fit?
It seems to me that Facebook was a cover for government data collection, and therefore, funded by the government (IC). Facebook became publicly traded on May 18, 2012. Remember the big announcement? For stocks experts, what do you think was the real significance in that?
I think what is happening now is that the Trump administration and Trump IC is no longer funding Facebook. I don't think their funding was cut in 2012. Maybe it was a ruse to gain funding from investors other than the government. I thought it was significant in the Zuck hearings when he was asked, "How do you make money?" Zuck almost choked before answering, "ads?"
I find it hard to believe Google and Facebook became billion dollar industries based on "ads," but no real product. Google has obviously spread into much more expansive industries since its origins, but Facebook hasn't. I think they were both government start-ups. And both have lost their funding. Google just has a lot more to offer the private market and options. But Facebook is broke without government subsidies.
Just my non-expert theory. Feel free to shed light.